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Lauren made a list of rules for herself and saved them on her iphone. As she stood by the popcorn and soft drinks till, listening to the hum of Hollywood music, she flicked through them.

1. Maintain a professional manner at all times.

2. Avoid unnecessary physical proximity.

3. Accept no suggestive comments.

4. Be efficient.

5. Anticipate what is needed.

6. Work hard.

And then underneath this, she had typed in 'Do not sleep with the boss.'

It made her smile to read it, although she knew it was foolish and silly. But she meant it; the opportunity was too good to mess up. The money alone was...well, it was more than she ever thought she would earn.

"Something funny?"

Lauren looked up, meeting the gaze of a broad shouldered guy in a jumper and jeans.

She raised an eyebrow. "Tony?"

"The very man," he said, smiling and clasping her hand in his much larger fingers. "I remember you from school."

"You do?"

"Yup. I wouldn't have agreed to come on a date my mum organised if I hadn't known who you were."


"You always won the academic prizes." He smiled and slid his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. "Popcorn?"


To Lauren's surprise, the date was enjoyable. She liked Tony's company, and after the movie she didn't hesitate to join him for dinner at a Frankie & Benny's in the cinema complex. But the contrast between this guy and Henry was so extreme that Lauren couldn't help comparing the two, and as her thought flitted back to Henry again and again, she found herself unable to stop talking about him.

"He sends underwear to his employees?"

"I don't know. That's just what I've heard," she said, regretting having revealed this particular item of salacious gossip. It created the wrong impression.

"Why would you want to work for someone like that?" Tony drummed his fingers on the table as he spoke. "It's not right."

"I don't think it's true." She shuffled her shoulders and shook her head in an attempt to emphasise the irrelevance of it. "Probably rumours. No one likes successful people. They always want to bring them down."

Tony shrugged. "Yeh, I guess that's true enough. But has he done anything to you that might make you think he'd do that?"

Lauren blushed and looked out the window, but in the reflection she saw Tony's anxious face staring at her.

"Personally, I just wouldn't want to be employed by anyone," he said, and she was grateful that he had changed the topic.

"Mum mentioned you're starting your own business?"

"Well, yeh. Not yet. But it's the plan. I don't want to have to answer to anyone." He crossed his arms on the table, making his biceps pop out from the too-tight sleeves of his t-shirt. "I'm starting work on a project in London actually."

"You are?"

"Yeh. With my boss. We'll be in every day. I could meet you after work if you're up for it?"

Lauren rolled the straw of her drink between her fingers, and looked up at him. He was attractive enough. Not drop dead gorgeous, but she knew a lot of girls who wouldn't say no to him. In fact, he might be just the distraction she needed...

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