Author's Note

64.1K 1.2K 203

Thanks for reading guys! I really hoped you enjoyed the ride.

I've have loved reading all your comments and hearing your opinions (whether they be positive or negative) and I've learnt a whole bunch from everything you've told me, and you've really kept me going whilst I have been writing this.

I know I still have loads to learn, so I apologise for any parts that you felt didn't live up to expectations, any flaws in the characters' motivations, plotting and pacing issues - if you have time let me know what you thought, because I really really want to get good at this writing thing. Hell, not just good. Great.

And please remember this whole story was written chapter by chapter (hence perhaps the choppy nature of it), with no planning whatsoever, so it really is complete chance that the story turned out this way, each chapter taking shape depending on how I was feeling when I sat down to write it.

So I have given you something here...a very quick book, written over a few months at the weekends mostly, entirely un-edited with no redrafts whatsoever. I know some of you felt that the story was dragging, particularly near the end, and I really apologise for that. I guess I was just enjoying the process so much that I didn't want to tie it all up quick enough to satisfy you guys.

On reflection, I'm not sure that this the most effective way of writing, now that I've done it. For my next project I am going to write the whole thing off-line, plot the story first, and redraft several times before anyone (even my mother) gets to see it. So you'll be hearing a lot less from me here on Wattpad in the future, but I hope to be able to surprise you all with a published book one day! That's the aim wish me luck!

I do love hearing from you and if you want me to read anything of yours (when I have some spare time) just let me know.

Bye for now! *waves*

RJ x

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