Chapter 3

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Hopping up the steps to her home, (name) let out a relieved sigh. Work was harder than she expected today. Many customer's had needed help around the shop and she spent most of her day carrying piles of clothes around for people who in the end, didn't even buy anything.

She did see Steven and Greg though, the two had come in to get Steven a new coat, since apparently his old one got acid on it...she didn't want to know how that happened. Whilst she was aiding the two Steven mentioned that him and the gems were looking for someone. A gem. (name) froze at the statement, only to relax with Steven described her as 'green with a pointy triangle head'.

As much as she didn't want to admit it. They'd soon come looking for Jasper. The orange gem had made it pretty clear that they did not get along with each other. But they would save that problem for another time. (name) huffed, unlocking her door and stepping inside.

"I'm back, Jasper!" (name) called out, taking the view of the living room in. Packets of food laid sprawled all over the floor. One of her small sofa's was turned upside down for some reason and the smell of burning wafted through the room. (name) rubbed her temple, groaning loudly.

"I was gone..for under five hours" she muttered to herself, going over to the kitchen where Jasper was in at the moment. The tall gem was stood in front of the food processor. Liquid was splattered everywhere and the whirring of the mixer made it pretty clear what Jasper had done.

"What the hell did you do whilst I was gone?!" (name) exclaimed, squinting suspiciously at the substance on the wall. She did not want to know what the gem had mixed together and sure as hell wouldn't try it. Jasper turned round, looking at the human.

"Welcome back, I made food" The gem said, motioning to the pile slapped on a plate. (name) said nothing, inching closer to the so called 'food'she poked it with a stick

"Jasper what on God's name did you make" The gem held up a box of popcorn and a bottle of syrup.

"I liked both so I put them in the machine that mixes stuff, I thought it would be nice" Jasper said proudly, obviously happy with how it turned out.

"you...want us to eat this for dinner?" (name) asked nervously. Jasper nodded eagerly.

"of course! It's perfect right?" she said. (name) looked to the gem, not wanting to spoil her fun she picked the plate up.

"Why don't we save it for a special occasion? I'll put it in the fridge so it lasts longer" Jasper's shoulders drooped a bit but she nodded

"But before we eat" (name) motioned to the mess the gem had made

"Mind explaining this?" Jasper looked embarrassed, looking away from the human.

"I didn't know you had to put the lid on the machine before switching it on" (name) surpassed a giggle by covering her mouth

"I..I see, what about the living room?" Jasper's eyes lit up

"I used the sofa as a weight lift! they're actually rather heavy" (name) rolled her eyes at this

"oh whatever, just help me clear up" As they tidied both rooms, (name) spoke up about earlier today

"hey while I was out I saw know the gem kid" Jasper looked up quickly

"the quartz child?" (name) nodded

"yeah he said they were looking for a gem...he said she was green" Jasper huffed, turning the sofa back into its original position.

"That's Peridot alright...I was her escort, she'll be fine though" She said quickly at the end. (name) frowned, escort? Picking up the empty packets of food she spoke

"why did you come to Earth in the first place Jasper? You never mentioned it" Jasper froze, looking down at the human. How could she say they'd come here to get rid of the gems? To check the cluster? She wouldn't understand. Sighing Jasper placed a hand on the human's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter (name), its best you don't know" (name) looked at the gem curiously, what could be so bad and complicated? She shrugged it off though, much to Jasper's relief.

After a late dinner of just some chicken and salad (much to Jasper's dismay, who refused to eat the salad since it was too 'pathetic' and (name) mentioning that she didn't even need to eat in the first place) (name) decided it would be good for her to get some rest. She switched the tv on and chucked some books at Jasper, saying to entertain herself while she slept. All she got was a bored grunt and a 'goodnight' before retiring to bed. Getting dressed she threw herself on the soft mattress, curling up under the blanket and closing her eyes. She was soon asleep


"psst! (name)!"

"(name) wake up!"

"(name) I swear to God if you don't get up im gonna lay on you"

The human groaned, opening her eyes a tiny fraction. Jasper was stood by the side of the bed, towering over her and nudging her side

"Jasper what the fuck do you want now?" (name) hissed, hiding her head under a pillow. Jasper sat on the side of the bed, making the mattress sink.

"I wanna sleep"

"what?" (name) said, waking up a little more now. Jasper looked at the human.

"I've never done it before, tell me how" (name) rubbed her forehead

"Jasper this isn't the time-" looking at her curious face she sighed

"fine, just uh...lay down there" she said motioning to the empty side of the bed. Jasper took up that space and more when she laid down, her feet dangling over the edge.

"now what?" she said. (name) couldn't help but smile

"just close your eyes, and think of nothing" Doing as the human ordered her breathing became calmer.

"is it working?" she said (name) giggled

"not quite, you can't talk. I'm going back to sleep too so be quiet" she said, laying back down and closing her eyes. She was asleep in a few minutes.

"Night, (name)" Jasper said, watching the girl's chest rise and fall. She looked so peaceful when she slept unlike her usual stressed look. Closing her eyes once more, Jasper found herself drifitng off into a deep sleep.


When she awoke, she was not in (name)'s room. Instead she was outside. On the beach. Looking around she could see a few figures near her. The gems. Growling she stood up to approach them but the Steven came running over, hugging her legs

"you finally woke up! (name)'s over there so lets play!" Jasper was so confused but something made her follow the small child up to the human taking care of her.

"Hello Jasper, Lapis and Peridot are on their way! But we can start without them right?" (name) said happily, taking Jasper by the hand. Jasper blushed. (name) wasn't usually like this. Why were the gems not attacking her? Why was Lapis and Peridot here? Why was she, (name) and Steven making sandcastles on the beach? Was this even real? She watched as Steven ran to meet the green and blue gems, jumping into their arms as he did so. (name) chuckled, resting her head on Jasper's shoulder.

"I'm glad you three stayed here" the human whispered, looking warmly up the gem. Jasper was beyond confused at this point.

Then it hit her, this wasn't real. This couldn't be real. That was impossible. Watching in shock as the figures and scenery around her began to fade she tried to reach out to the human, but her hand just went right through her.

She sat and watched as everything disappeared and she was left in darkness. Jasper squinted her eyes shut. Was this the result of sleeping? She didn't like it, making up lies and strange scenes in her head.

She wanted to wake up.

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