Chapter 5

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  (just a note! BladeBubbleGumMaster inspired the idea for this chapter! Also someone made really cute covers for this and My lapis story on Quotev! ) 

Opening her eyes slowly, (name) rubbed her forehead. It still hurt but she could deal with the pain. She'd slept the whole night for once. Usually Jasper would crash in at about 3 in the morning wanting to know how to cook something or the other.

But where was she?

She tried to sit up but she felt something keeping her down. Twisting her body round she saw Jasper fast asleep. Her arms still wrapped tightly round the human. Her large poofy hair sprawled out over the bed and some got in her mouth. (Name) could hear faint snores coming from the gem and she giggled, shaking her arm

"Jaaasper" The gem did not reply, only groaning and turning her head away from the human. (name) snorted, giggling quietly and shaking her again

"Jasper! I can't get up if you're clinging to me like this!" The gem opened one eye lazily, sending a glare (name)'s way. Refusing to let go she held on to (name) tighter, ignoring the human's noises and pleas of disapproval

"Jasper I gotta go shopping! You finished off the last of the food again!" Jasper opened both eyes now, grunting and sitting up with (name) in her lap

"What do I get out of it?" she asked, her voice low. (name) blushed, scrambling out of her arms

"More syrup" She said in a blunt tone, instantly grabbing the gem's attention. Laughing to herself she threw her wardrobe doors open, chucking a t shirt and shorts on the floor. Jasper crawled over to the side of the bed with a playful grin on her face. Leaning over the edge of the bed she reached down to grab the girl's bra

"Jasper I swear to Jesus if you touch my bra again you're sleeping outside" (name) hissed, not even looking back to notice. Jasper huffed, folding her arms childishly

"way to ruin my fun..." In a matter of minutes (name) was dressed and heading out of the door

"You can make yourself breakfast right? There's bread in the cupboard" (name) said, leaving the house

"Remember the syrup!" Jasper called as (name) shut the door.


"That's almost everything..." (name) said to herself, looking at the full basket she was carrying around. It would be much easier if Jasper could come with her, she could carry everything. The girl had to admit, having Jasper around was certainly better than being on her own. Sure she was a clumsy brute who had the habit of breaking everything in her damn house but there was something about her that was so likable. She just couldn't put her finger on it. She was stubbornly kind in a way.

(name) smiled at the thought, turning to the next aisle only to bump into someone much smaller than her.

"Oh sorry!..Wait Steven?" (name) said, looking down at the small gem. Steven's face split into a wide grin, hugging the girl's knees

"(name)!" Steven yelled. Greg soon followed behind, seemingly out of breath.

"Steven you gotta stop running round the store! Oh? Hi (name)" Greg said, smiling at the girl. (name) grinned, reaching out to take a box of cereal from a high shelf.

"Not working today Greg?" The adult shook his head "nah not today, I took the day off so I could spend time with this trouble maker " He said playfully, ruffling Steven's hair. Steven giggled, looking up at (name)

"I've wanted to ask you! Where in beach city do you live?" (name) rubbed the back of her hair, laughing nervously

"well uh...on the opposite side of the beach? Its really far out" Steven's eyes lit up, (name) swore she could see tiny stars

"Oh I live on the beach too! Can I come see your house? Pleeeeeeeaaasseeee?" Steven said, looking up at (name) with those puppy eyes. (name) swore under her breath, how could she say no to that face? Looking nervously to Greg the man placed a hand on Steven's shoulder.

"Steven you can't just invite yourself round to someone's house." The boy nodded, looking a little sad. (name) shook her head

"It's fine! I'm busy today so what about tomorrow?" The boy lit up instantly, nodding enthusiastically

"Sure! see you then (name)" he called, dragging his dad to another aisle before Greg could say goodbye. Turning round she continued to walk down the aisle

"shitshitshitshitshit" (name) muttered to herself.


"what do you mean the quartz child is coming over tomorrow?" Jasper exclaimed, smacking her hands on the table. (name) flinched back, she was pretty sure the table just cracked

"exactly that! He wanted to come over and I said yes!" Jasper's eye twitched "why the hell did you agree?" (name) looked down, embarrassed

"His face was too cute, I couldn't refuse" Jasper banged her head on the table, muffled groaning emmitting from her throat

"It's okay! you can just hide in my room or something!" (name) said, reassuring the gem. Jasper looked up from the table

"You're not that smart y'know" (name) blushed, smacking the top of Jasper's head with a book

"Shut up and help me put the food away"


It was evening by the time the two had put the food away, cleaned the house much to Jasper's disgust and eaten dinner. Both of them were sat side by side on the sand watching the sun set. They sat in a comfortable silence as the sun began to disapear below the horizon. Looking to the human, Jasper swallowed nervously

"(name)?" The girl turned to her

"yes?" Jasper held her hand out

"do you" (name) snorted, covering her mouth to stop herself gigglind

"what are you gonna ask me to dance or something?" she said, her smile faltering when she saw Jasper was serious

"Uh...well no not really, I've never danced with someone else" Jasper smiled, standing up

"When gems fuse they have to dance. It's like a symbol of trust or whatever, I don't really like fusion but the dancing is okay so..." Jasper shuffled uncomrotably

"wanna dance?" (name) blushed, was she saying that she trusted her? Slowly reaching out she took Jasper's hand and was pulled to her feet. Taking her arm out and placing her hand on (name)'s waist Jasper began to sway

"Jasper I don't-" The gem shushed her, taking a step forwards

"Just trust me, alright?" (name) shut up, nodding. Slowly the human began to follow Jasper's footsteps. They swayed back and fourth, smiling nervously at eachother every so often.

They didn't need music to dance, they could do it on their own. Jasper stepped forwards, dipping (name). A delighted squeal emmited from the human's throat and Jasper laughed, lifting her up and spinning her to the side.

They're sways and steps got faster, the air filled with their laughter and shouts of joy. The sky had turned a deep dark blue by now but they didn't notice. They didn't notice anything but themselves for the moment. (name) twirled round, laughing as she did so.

Jasper watched the human dance, her face turning a deep shade of red. Reaching forewards Jasper wrapped her arms round her waist, lifting the girl up. (name) gasped as she was thrown upwards, landing perfectly back into Jasper's eyes. However Jasper lost her balence when she was caught and the two went tumbling to the floor laughing.

They stayed there for a while, giggling to themselves until it slowly died down. (name) turned her head to the gem. Smiling softly at her. Jasper bit her lip, looking embarassed

"Hey (name)?" Jasper began, sitting up. (name) did the same, sitting crosslegged.

"yeah?" The gem edge closer, beginning to make the space between them smaller and smaller. (name)'s face flushed, was this even real? As they're lips were about to touch they heard a large cracking sound from above them.

Looking up they saw a piece of the cliffside beginning to break off

"Jasper the cliff!" The gem wasted no time pushing the human from harm's way. (name) fell on the sand, coughing since she'd pushed her so hard

"wait no!" The piece of rock tumbled down the cliffside landing on the orange gem herself. (name) nearly screamed, stumbling over to see if she was alright

"Jasper!" she yelled, pushing as hard as she could at the rock to try get it off. Jasper looked up at the human

"(name) its okay i'm-!" A large cloud of dust blinded the human, soon vanishing to leave Jasper's gem behind. (name) instantly picked it up, cradling it in her hands

"no scratches..." (name) fell back on the sand, sighing in relief

"she's okay...she's fine.." she told herself, running up the steps to her home and locking herself in. Sitting on the sofa she held the gem close to her chest.

"you won't take long to come back, I'll just wait" She said softly, rubbing the gem gently.

It flickered slightly, as if responding to her gesture.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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