08: Derek's Help

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"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."


Without wasting a second, Luna and Scott gathered around Erica, kneeling beside her trembling form. "Turn her on her side, Stiles," Luna instructed, her own panic making her hands shake. But when Stiles was too shocked to move, she tried her best to steady her own nerves and do it for him.

Gently, she took Erica from Stiles' arms and carefully positioned her on her side. With a practised motion, Luna raised Erica's chin and tilted her head back slightly to ensure her airway was open.

And as Luna supported Erica in the recovery position, she made a mental note to thank her mom afterwards. The only reason she even had a passable knowledge of first aid was because she was forced to attend some training classes with her mom a couple of years back after one too many instances of choking on food from eating too fast and having to be saved by the distraught woman.

At the time she thought that she would never use the training in any real-life situation, but the current moment proved otherwise.

"She needs help Scott, real help!" Stiles shouted, clutching Erica's hand tightly in his once her intense trembling had gone down. Luna couldn't help but think that they would make a good couple. Well, if Erica was still the innocent girl she used to be.

"D-Derek, take me to Derek, only Derek," Erica pleaded, her grip on Stiles' hand turning white. Poor Stiles, Luna thought. His hand was probably broken from the werewolf's strong grip. But at least they could be injured hand buddies now.

"Okay, when we get her to the hospital—" Scott began, dismissing Erica's plea.

"Derek," Erica insisted again, her tone more forceful even in her weak state. Luna unzipped the girl's tight leather jacket, hoping to give her some more room to breathe. Another thing she learnt in first-aid training.

"Go," Allison said from where she sat next to a paralyzed Matt. He was also caught in the crossfire of the Kanima and, thankfully, seemed to have passed out on his way down.

Scott went over to bid farewell to her all dramatically, engaging in all the cheesy couple stuff that Luna could only dream of. 

If only she were rich and beautiful...

"Why Derek?" Luna turned to Stiles instead, still a little out of the loop. She had the basic rundown of who was a werewolf and who wasn't and how the whole Kanima situation started, but it was still a little confusing.

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