20: Who's Peter

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"Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it's on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you've got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration."


After breaking the news to Peter and Derek about Jackson's death and then getting the revelation that things were far worse than they originally thought, with Jackson about to transform into something far more deadly than the Kanima, Derek ordered them to follow him to the Hale house in search of some answers.

Answers in the form of the Hale family's very own bestiary.

"I told you, I looked everywhere," Derek told his uncle, frustration lining his voice. The three teenagers followed behind him into the ruins, navigating around the spots of rotten wood and piles of debris.

And Luna couldn't help but shiver as she looked around the place. It was crazy to think that a whole family used to live here, that the house used to be lively and colourful once upon a time. And she felt an unexplainable chill at the thought.

As if someone was watching her.

And maybe from beyond the grave, they were.

The biggest tragedy of Beacon Hills' history took place right where she stood. It happened around seven years ago when she was only nine. She could vividly remember hearing the firetrucks and police cars zoom past her bedroom window and then seeing, a moment later, the newsreels of the fire that engulfed the entirety of the Hale house.

The firefighters arrived on the scene as fast as they could and tried their best to battle the inferno, but they also had to keep it contained to the house in order to prevent the flames from spreading through the forest.

Luna watched the live newsreel for about a minute before her dad caught her and quickly turned the TV off. It was one of the rare moments she could remember where he actually visibly upset.

And then Luna remembered what Derek said back at the animal clinic with Deaton the first time she fainted. Her father's connection to the Hale family, particularly Talia Hale, was another mystery that went untold. Luna was almost tempted to turn to Peter and ask him about it since he must have at least been somewhat close to his sister, the Pack Alpha at the time, but thought better of it.

After all, who was Peter really? Scott and Stiles always referred to him as "The Asshole who bit Scott," and Luna didn't think depending on that kind of person would do her any favours, even if it meant not getting any of the answers she's been seeking.

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