Sign up page!

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Finally, you've made it to the sign up page. ^_~ (Feel free to pat yourself on the back. ^_~)

Now, as a last step just fill out this simple form and you will officially be a part of Voicing Wattpad. (Yay! *throws confetti 🎊 at you. ^_~)

Name or nickname:



Favorite voice actor/actress:

Favorite color:

Any limitations? (Length of story...stories you won't do etc.)

Link to your voice reel:

And....once you submit this you are now a part of the group! Whoot whoot! ^_~ 💐

Once you become a part of the group I'll dedicate a chapter to you in the "Meet the cast" book. ^_~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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