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Part two of the last chapter, Enjoy!!


Aamir kept his hand firmly planted on her waist. He knew she was afraid. It was so very obvious with the way she was shaking life a leaf. He pressed his palm to the small of her back and rubbed a little in a soothing gesture.

"The world is about to witness what a wonderful person you are. It's time I corrected some grave misconceptions, sweetheart."

They stepped forward to the massive wooden double door entrance that was shut with two sharply dressed men flanking the sides. Aamir have them a slight nod and they moved forward and grasped the handles.

Mayra panicked and looked up at Aamir and he leaned down to kiss her cheek. He whispered in her ear, "it's Showtime!"

The doors were flung open to the enormous ballroom that had more than thousand of the city's most illustrious people staring at the couple making a grand entry. As Aamir walked Mayra down the carpet towards the stage, he beamed with pride at the expression of awe on everyone's faces as they beheld the beautiful couple. A tall, handsome and successful man with the most beautiful, elegant and suave woman on his arm.

Suddenly someone clapped, Mayra turned to see it was little Amina. She couldn't help but smile at the little doll and by the time her family had joined in, the clapping had turned into a tumultuous applause.

Aamir walked them right up to the stage and to the their table which was right in the front and seated Mayra. Walking up the stairs and on to the stage, he turned around to face the guests who were all seated on round tables with elaborate centerpieces which shone under the bright light descending from a magnificent chandelier.

It was time.

He stepped forward with the mike and instantly Mayra was hit with the realization of who was addressing the audience. It wasn't her husband, her once abusive husband who had shattered all her dreams and broken her heart too many times to count. It was not the man she shared a roof with. Not the man who she lived with day in and out.

This man standing on the stage, looking at his peers, was a confident, urbane and sophisticated man, who knew everyone, and who knew that everyone needed him for what he had made of himself in the business world. This man was as ruthless as he was charming, as leisurely as he was deadly and as carefree as he was lethal. He could switch the modes when and how he wanted.

What Mayra couldn't see was how vulnerable he was at that moment, and how humbled he was by her mere presence.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf
of Hassan Industries and on behalf of my entire family, I welcome you all this little celebration of ours - " Aamir winked as everyone chuckled at the joke, "and I wish to thank you all for gracing this occasion with your presence. I'm grateful to you all for accepting our invitation and making our night even more special.

"I'm sure there's quite some curiosity regarding the reason for this celebration tonight. Many people have asked me whether we've thrown this party to celebrate our deal with Mark International, or to celebrate our partnership with the German Manufacturing company, Lowe Motors, or is it to celebrate the record-breaking performance of our stocks this year. I assure you, it is none of these reasons.

"I'm sure you are all aware of the my temporary hiatus from the arena of our business world caused by my accident and the subsequent paralysis that resulted from it. Those were some of my darkest days where I was convinced that God hated me for some reason. I had given up on myself. I had given my dreams of leading the company to the heights even we had never imagined before and I had even given up the hope that I would ever be able to walk again. In the moments of hopelessness and despair, God showed me that he didn't hate me, for He sent and Angel who whispered to me one night, 'even the eagle that flies the highest in the sky has to descend to the earth sometime.."

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