
24.6K 1K 86

I could never have imagined reaching even remotely close to a 100k reads. Trust me a 100k 'thank-you's to all of you wouldn't suffice.

We are so, so very close to the end now!

My love, for you all, always!



The end was near. He just knew it. Instincts had always been his forte, they never failed him. His instinct told him that it was about to be over. Once and for all.

He couldn't be happier.

He stood in front of the huge mirror and watched his reflection stare back at him. Aamir Hassan. A man of many layers he was indeed. For his persona was that of a fierce predator, scary and unwelcoming, but his eyes were his weakness. All one had to do was merely gaze through the piercing orbs to unearth all the guilt, the pain and the shame.

His gut told him that today, it would all be buried away, never to be exhumed.

A dreadful past forgotten, a beautiful future awaited.

A painful journey had begun not the day he had been married, but on the day he first gave in to his anger. Progressively, the monster that was his anger had consumed him. He had become a monster himself and all he held dear was about to be torn away from him.

It's not everyday that life hands out second chances. How blessed he felt this day to be the recipient of one. He was truly blessed.

If only this nightmare would turn into the fairytale ending he hoped he could give Mayra. The least he could do was promise her his love and a life full of happiness and comfort whenever sadness struck. Life wouldn't be perfect, but the journey would be worth the ride with her by his side.

He looked down at the promenade where a black bike screeched to a halt. The rider, dressed all in black, got off and with his black helmet on strode to the building that housed Hassan Industries. Smiling to himself, Aamir walked to his desk and picked up the phone. Dialling the intercom he said, "he's here, send him up here. Without security check."

"But boss, he could be armed, he could have a g-"

"I know that he's armed and that he has a gun. Do as I say and let him in. Keep everyone else on stand-by."

"Yes boss!"

He removed his expensive blazer and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, preparing to meet his nemesis head on.

Soon enough the glass door to his cabin banged open and the black rider came barging in. On his way in he pulled a gun that was tucked under the back of his jacket and pointed it straight at Aamir's head. He stopped six feet from Aamir, a daunting figure clad all in black with the black helmet still shielding his face.

Aamir looked back at him unfazed and said in a calm voice, "there'll be no need for that, Jaffar. I called you here to talk not to kill you."

Pulling off his helmet with the other hand, he stalked forward, "But I've come here to kill you, Hassan!"

"In that case," Aamir muttered and reached for his own gun lying on the table. Pointing it at Jaffar he said, "no matter what happens to me today, you won't get out of here alive."

On cue, Aamir's security guards ran inside the room all of them having their weapons drawn.

Throwing a lazy glance around the room, the assailant laughed. "I don't care if I have to die in the process, Hassan, I'll die peacefully knowing that I finished the man who destroyed my life."

"There's a difference between destroying someone's life and protecting the lives of one's own. I did what was necessary to save my family from the damage you inflicted. You're the one who is wrong here."

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