Ernest Hemingway

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"Write hard and clear about what hurts."


"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."


"All you have to do is to write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence you know."


"The most solid advice for a writer is this, I think; Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep really sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough."


"As a writer you should not judge. You should understand."


"Only those who are prepared to go too far can possibly know how far they can go."


"It's your object to convey everything to the reader so that he remembers it not as a story he had read, but something that happened to himself. That's the true test of writing."


"Write drunk. Edit sober."


"There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it's like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges."


"My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way."


"There is no friend as loyal as a book."


"All books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards, it all belongs to you:

the good and bad,

the ecstasy,

the remorse and the sorrow,

the people and the places and how the weather was.

If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer."


"The first draft of anything is shit."

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