9 : Catch That Star!

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"Finally! Lunch time," some students sighed, including you. Your head was swirling from all the difficult lessons you had during the morning. The lessons were also fast paced since the school has one day off on normal lessons each week to give way to 'Monster' lessons. Fine Arts was the only one you enjoyed, not because you liked it, but because it didn't have computations or much memorizing to do.

"Are you taking lunch with someone? Coz if you're eating alone you can join us," Sehun asked you.

"Thanks! But it's okay. I'm having lunch with Ji Min," you told him. You secretly thanked him for his thoughtfulness.


"Sehun-ah! I still haven't forgotten what you called me earlier!" Chanyeol yelled while pointing his finger at Sehun.

"Hyung, it was just a joke," Sehun said defensively.

"I got scolded for it!"

"It's not my fault if you were being too loud."

"What?! Come here you little –"

"See you later Joo Ri," Sehun said in a rush as he ran out of the room with Chanyeol chasing after him.

You went to the cafeteria and waited for Ji Min by the door. She arrived a while later, looking a little gloomy.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"We had a long quiz in history. I wasn't able to study since I was in the ocean during free week and I totally forgot about the quiz when I got back here," she groaned. "I'm gonna be so doomed. I failed the previous test too. Why do we need to study about the past anyway? Can't we all just move on and enjoy life at present? And it's human history. What have I to do with it?"

"C'mon. Maybe some food will make you feel better," you told her.

The two of you got your food and took the only empty table near the exit.

"What's that?" Ji Min asked, referring to your star pin.

"Oh, a welcome gift from the chairman and the Student Council. I'm supposed to wear it the whole day."

"Oh, I see. Which class are you in by the way?"

"Star," you answered.

"Too bad were not in the same class. But at least you're not in Bitch Queen's."

"I actually said the same thing when I got my schedule this morning," you laughed.

"So, how's your first day so far?"

"It's surprisingly normal," you told her.

"It should be. I told you before, aside from the monster curriculum and the fact that all students here are monsters, this school is pretty normal. It's not that different from human schools."

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