11 : The Fox on the Rooftop

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You easily found the trail that Lu Han told you. No one was there, and you guessed not many people know about it. You made your way towards the almost empty main building. Some students there who saw you just remarked about the pin but didn't bother about you. You

were starting to feel relieved when –

"Joo Ri!"

It was Chanyeol, and he was grinning wickedly at you.

"I told you, I'd find you," he said. He suddenly dashed towards you, which caught you off guard. He was coming fast with both of his hands outstretched...towards your chest.

"Y-YA!" You muttered in panic.

But before he could reach you, someone came in between, blocking you from him.

"Baekhyun-ah! What are you doing?!" Chanyeol shouted.

"Sorry about that. Please go along while I hold this imbecile off," Baekhyun told you.

"What did you call me midget?!" Chanyeol struggled.

You went ahead before Chanyeol could break free from Baekhyun's grasp.

"You're not supposed to just suddenly touch a girl's chest, you idiot!" You heard Beakhyun scolding him.

You wrapped your blazer tighter around you and shivered at the thought of the almost unfortunate event.

Chanyeol you creep!

You glanced at your watch. It was still more than fifteen minutes before five o'clock. You looked around to find a place where you can hide undisturbed until the time was up. The building was almost deserted since everybody thought you were still at the track and

field. You climbed to the third floor and saw another flight of stairs.

I didn't know there was a fourth floor.

You climbed further up and the stairs ended in front of a door. The door had a 'RESTRICTED AREA' sign pinned at the center. You peered cautiously before slowly opening it. It was the rooftop. You stepped out and looked around for a sign of other people in there. You smiled, satisfied, before locking the door behind you.

Peace! Finally!

You carefully went near the edge. It dangerously had no fence or whatsoever to keep you from falling, but you didn't mind since you had no phobia of heights and you were pretty confident you won't fall. You stared at the view before you. You could see Seoul in the distance, a mere shadow beyond the vast mountain of trees.

"Enjoying the view?"

You were startled, not only because you were not expecting anyone to be there, but because the voice sounded so near. You turned around but your shock made you lose your balance. You started falling backwards from the edge of the building.

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