When Bats Fly

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"Why don't they just make both?" Jason grumbled, gripping his head as if it might float off into a million little pieces if he didn't hold it together.

"For once, I agree with Jason," Damien muttered. Five heads jerked in his direction.

"... What. Just. Happen." Stephanie said, her eyes wide. Poor Damien just looked confused.

"Shit," Jason said. With a speed that would make even the Flash cower in fear, Robin lifted up Damien from his under arms and- keeping him at far away from him as possible- carried him to the infirmary. Cassandra, Jason, Stephanie and Tim followed behind like ducklings following the mother.

"Care to explain, anyone?" Raven asked, abandoning her hiding spot behind the wall.

"No cl-" Cyborg started, but was quickly cut off by the shrieks of a certain five year old,

"Unhand me, you fool!"

"Perhaps we should do the investigating?" Starfire suggested. Cyborg and Beast Boy had agreed by standing up and following Starfire to the Infirmary. Raven, who was a bit more reluctant, followed stiffly behind the three.

"Hey, Timmy, you mind call Bruce for me?" Robin asked, his voice surprisingly soft when glancing at his younger brother. Tim only nodded in response before searching the room for a phone.

"Here," Jason said, reaching in his back pocket and tossing a blue cellphone to the younger boy.

Cyborg, who had just reached the doorway, gaped. "How'd you get that!" he demanded.

"I drabble in the art of pick-pocketing," Jason smirked.

Robin placed Damien on one of the beds and ordered Stephanie to make sure he stayed put, while he went to get a needle prepared.

"Hey, Bruce," Tim chirped, "Uh... Yeah, everything's fine over here. How'd Alfie doing? Fine... Well, that's good to hear. Yeah, I'm sure, Robin is fussing over Damien and Stephie is sitting on the bed trying to get the demon to stop trying to bite her arm off and Cassandra's just sitting on the couch watching me talk to you while doing that weird one eyebrow raised thing. I'm not exactly sure. Yeah, Robin just told me to call you-"

"Timmy!" Robin snapped, "Just- Ugh, just give me the phone alright."

"Got to go, Bruce. No! Don't hang up! Robin wants to speak with you," Tim said, "What do you mean "Which one"?"

Robin scowled at this.

"You know... You're first kid, first Robin, grew up in the circ- fmmlssb"

"Bruce," Robin sighed, removing his hand from Tim's mouth with a glare.


"It's fine, Tim." Robin assured. His shoulder's were tense and his jaw was clenched. Robin left the room to talk to Bruce privately.

"We should get to know each other," Stephanie suggested. Jason, Tim, Cassandra and Damien all stared at their sister with different expressions; Jason glared, Tim gaped, Cassandra just... stared, and Damien looked shocked.

"You're kidding, right?" Jason growled. "There's no need to get along if we're going to leave soon and forget this even happened."

"Timmy, did Bruce say he was anywhere near done with the cure?" Stephanie asked, way to innocently. Jason scowled when Tim shook his head. "So, for all we know, we could be here for an entire week, correct? And don't you think it would be a bit awkward living with complete strangers for an entire week, Jason- My sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet-"

"Alright!" Jason finally gave up. "I'll start: My name's Jason, I grew up on the street, I'm the oldest (not counting Robin) and I will personally decapitate you if you even think about entering my room. Fun! "

Stephanie giggled, and turned to the Titans, "He's just grouchy. Alright! I'm next. My name's Steph, my favorite color is black, I despise this dress, I was raised by a Gotham assassin... Hmm. Cassia, am I missing something?"

The Titans shared a startled look. Cassandra didn't respond, and Stephanie didn't seem to mind.

"Oh! Oh! I'll go for Cassandra. Well, for starters she doesn't talk very much, her favorite color is purple, she was raised by an assassin too, she's way stronger than Jason, and she hates chocolate which I don't understand at all! I mean how can someone hate-"

"Cassandra is not stronger than me!" Jason scowled.

"Mmhmm," Tim hummed. "Whatever you say."

"Oh! Tim! It's your turn!" Stephanie grinned. Tim's eyes went wide, and without wasting a minute hid behind Cassandra.

"I'll... Uh, rain check." He stuttered. Starfire grinned and crouched in front of Cassandra and Tim.

"Please, we would love to hear more about you," Starfire begged, her eyes soft and kind.

Tim paused for a moment, taking in his surroundings once more and with one sharp intake of breathe... He gripped the sleeve of Cassandra's dress and tugged her out of the room.

He brushed past Robin who was reaching for the doorknob before Tim had opened the door.

"Alright," Robin sighed, standings besides Raven, "what did you all do to Timmy?"

Stephanie explained everything that happen after Robin left. Robin sighed and knelt on the floor to reach Stephanie's eyes. "Don't you remember how shy Timmy can be, Steph?"

"N-Not exactly," Stephanie said, sounding lost. "No... Wait, never mind! I remember again!"

Robin scooped up Stephanie, and set her on his hip. "Jason," Robin said, a distant look on his face, "Can you find Cassandra for me?"

Jason left the room, fingering the blade in his pocket.

"Damien, Tim and Stephanie have all been showing unusual symptoms coming from the de-aging. For example, Tim has been much more introverted then usual, Stephanie has been much more impulsive and had a previous memory lapse and Damien has been at least sixteen times less spiteful then usual," Robin said. "Cassandra and Jason have as well, but I fear Tim, Stephanie and cases are a bit more severe considering their younger ages. I need to keep a closer watch on Jason- the first night away he showed some severe effects to the de-aging. Actually, he showed multiple. Not only to me, but to Stephanie and Timmy as well (referring to when they entered Jason's room in search of Damien on their first night.)"

"The golden question is: Is this an affect of the gas? Or the de-aging?" Raven said.

Robin gave a quick glance at Cyborg, who was already testing the blood samples.

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