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I'm getting ready to walk down to the lobby to get breakfast when I meet Derek outside my door a coffee in hand. "This is for you." He murmurs banding me the coffee cup. I take it eyeing him apprehensively. "Are you going to tell me what last night was about?" I ask him and he shrugs me off "nothing I thought I heard something." He tells me vaguely walking beside me down the hall to the elevator. "You thought you heard something." I repeat not buying it.

"I deserve a better explanation than that." I tell him annoyance filling my voice as I cross my arms in the corner of the elevator. "You don't just storm into somebody's room at 3 in the morning and completely trash it for no reason." I yell at him just as somebody enters the elevator with us. "Why were you showering at 3 in the morning anyways?" He dares to ask me and I shoot daggers at him. "that's not even the point here!" I whisper harshly making the man turn to us. I plaster a fake smile on my face and he gives us a slight nod before turning back around.


Derek scoots closer to me. "I had a bad dream okay." He whispers to me not meeting my gaze. "Just drop it alright?" His voice holds no emotion and neither does his face. "Whatever." I decided to drop it, not wanting to ruin my time on New Orleans over something so stupid, even if is bugging me.

Once we finally reach the lobby we are greeted by the group. Derek's mom wraps me in a hug, then Shelly.
"I'm still feel so bad about the other night." She tells me and I shake my head she has apologized several time since she basically parent trapped me. "When big bad Alpha tells you to do something you can't say no, even if you want to. I get it no harm done." I laugh at her and she hugs me tighter. "Plus you took me out for ice cream so I call it even."

"Maize!" I hear spike cheer grabbing me into a hug. "Please tell me you kept watching after I left." I nod excitedly, after me and Shelly went out for ice cream we went back to their house to watch Big brother, a show I never heard of until now. "I'm basically addicted." I gush "isn't Zach your favorite!" Ben tells me joining in on the conversation, we go on for a moment until we are interrupted be a brooding Derek. "The cars are here." He tells everybody not daring to look my way.

And that is how most of the day goes, Derek avoiding me at all cost, never getting too close. Walking ahead of me leaving me with Shelly & Spike to tell me all about the history of the French quarters as we stroll through. his mom starts points out all her favorite shops she always goes to as we pass by her arm looped through mine. "He is very moody, but don't let that get you down." She whispers in my ear, she must notice Derek's distance too. "He has always been very sensitive, even as a kid. If he got upset he would just shut down you would have to pry it out of him with sweets." She giggles, and it makes me smile thinking out a tiny pouting Derek. "Being a mate to a Hale isn't a easy thing."

Mate. I remember overhearing my dad and Derek talk about it that night in the study. I simply nod my head in response, a forced smile on my face. I slip past Shelly and Spike heading for Derek.

"We need to talk." I tell him through gritted teeth, I asked him for honesty and yet he still hides things from me. He looks down at my noticing my angry demeanor. "What is a mate?" I asked and his eyes go wide in shock and annoyance. " why does everybody keep calling me it? I asked for honesty Derek and yet I still feel like I'm being lied to."

"Not now Maize." He warns his voice becoming angry. "Yes now, I'm tired of you making me wait. I dropped the whole dream thing but I'm done, tell me." I keep going pulling his arm making him stop and look at me. " fucking hell maize do you ever just stop?" He growls stepping closer to me frustration clear on his face he tries to walk away but I pull his arm back to stop him again. "What is a mate!" I demand and he glares at me for a moment "You are my mate. My soul mate!" He seethes his eyes blazing red. "You are mine."

Everyone has gone into a nearby restaurant and hiving is some sort of privacy. I don't know what to say in response, still slightly confused and stunned. Soul mate, I'm his soul mate. "I told you to drop it." He says his head hung low, his voice clipped. "I have to get the fuck out of here." He huffs storming off towards the direction of the hotel, not giving me a chance to say another word to him.

"C'mon Maize." Spike says ushering me under his arm leading me towards the restaurant the rest of the group stopped in. I'm flustered and a bit embarrassed as I join them at the table. Shelly squeezes my hand reassuringly, "it's all so confusing at first I know how you feel." She tells me "it can be a lot to take in at once." It took me a few days to fully grasp the understanding of him being a werewolf. I knew there was more to it and I just wanted some clarity about it all.

"What does it mean though? Me being his mate." The word feels foreign on my tongue. "Simply put, you are his and he is yours. Forever. You are destined to be together it was chosen that way." She says "you feel it in your soul, the tug to be with one another. Can't you feel it?" She asks me and I look up to her all the feelings I've been trying my best to suppress towards Derek pushing to the front of my mind overwhelming me. i convinced myself it was puppy dog love, it had to be.


I walk through the gate leading to the pool in the back of the hotel, my eyes landing on Derek as he laps back and fourth in the water. My eyes are immediately in awe of his tattoos littered across his body. He comes back to the surface wiping his face with his hands.

"There you are." I murmur slipping my white vans off and grabbing the plate of food I brought back for him from the Italian restaurant. I sit on the edge of the pool dipping my feet in making sure my dress is far enough from the water. "I brought you some food back." He turns to face me swimming towards me.

"I'm sorry I shouted at you." He whispers to me positioning himself in between my legs. "I promised your dad he would be the one to tell you all this shit. I just hate it getting in between us. I want to tell you everything Maize you gotta trust me."

I nod my head in reply wrapping my hand around the back of his neck coaxing him closer to me.
"So" I begin a soft smile playing on my lips "soul mate it has a nice ring to it." I tease him he just hums in reply his hands lifting me off the edge of the pool giving me a questioning look. I nod letting him slip me into the warm water my bare legs wrapping around his waist. "My soul mate" He whispers his lips pressing wet kisses up the nape of my neck.

"Kiss me." I nearly beg and he looks up to me scanning my face for a moment his lips pressing against mine softly, jolts of electricity shoot through my body lighting me on fire. His palms running up under my dress and onto my waist igniting me with every touch. My hands find there way to his hair tugging slightly as a moan slips from his mouth and I tell myself I never want to kiss another person so long as I live, it'll only be him. I only want him touching me and kissing me this way. "I don't think think i can stop Maiz, you have to stop me." He groans out breathlessly pulling my body closer to him if even possible.

I pull back a whimper leaving both our lips as they detached. "I've been dying to kiss you since the moment I laid my eyes on you." He tells me making me think back to the first time I saw him in class, it's been a little over three months since I've met Derek and here I am making out with him in a pool in New Orleans. I was so naive to everything going on around me when I first moved to Clearwater, no idea that werewolves weren't just fairytales, but real life.
Here I am now mated to an Alpha.

"I need to get you out of this pool before I take you and mark you right here." He tells me lifting me back on the edge of the pool before pushing himself up and out. I can't help but watch him as he does, he is truly the most attractive man I've ever laid my eyes on. I press my thighs together to rid of some of the pressure built up in between my legs. "Stop looking at me like that Maize, with those innocent fucking eyes. You're killing me." My mouth falls opened as he speaks walking towards me before crashing his lips to mine for a teasing moment making me crave more. "Let's go get changed." He murmurs his nose nudging mine as he wraps the towel around my body.

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