Chapter 24 - A Song Under The Stars

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Hey guys! So I figured it would be good to write a reflective chapter on how much these two have grown since the beginning of their story, and I really hope you enjoy it as it was nice writing about Noah and Lily like this (particularly Noah's bit). As always, please vote/comment if you do like it. I appreciate them all so much! :)

Photo: Lily

Lyrics used in this chapter: The Heart of Life is Good, by John Mayer


Lily POV:

Stepping out of the club, I took a breath of fresh air and smiled. There was a light breeze as I leant on the railing and looked out over the city. People were laughing and joking on the street below as they passed by, and the night was clear.

The wind whipped my hair over my shoulders and I couldn't think about anything else other than Noah, the annoying guy who had gotten under my skin, however hard I had tried to not let him in. But now, I couldn't imagine him not being there and it scared me a little.

I smiled and looked over my shoulder as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, interrupting me from my thoughts. "Hey gorgeous, you ready to go?" Noah whispered in my ear, leaning in to my back to shield me from the cold.

"Yeah I'm ready," I nodded, taking one last look at the city lights. "You know, I've never realized how beautiful the city is at night."

"It's certainly something," Noah said, unwrapping his arms from my waist and placing them either side of me on the railing, his back still pressed against me. "But let's get you home, your starting to shiver and I can't be having that now can I?"

Pushing off from the railing, I turned around to face him. He was staring down at me with a look in his eyes that still made my heart flutter even after all this time, and he didn't take his eyes off me as he shrugged out of his jacket and placed it over my shoulders, pulling me close in the process.

I smiled softly as he bent down and kissed me on the forehead, reaching down to take hold of my hand. "Who would've thought it?" I laughed, "The self confessed player is a real softie underneath it all."

"Only for you," he smiled, leading me down the stairs until we reached the sidewalk.

"What about the others?" I asked, wondering where everyone else was.

"They should be out any second," Noah said, glancing up towards the entrance to the club just as Jackie, Jen, Dean and Dick came tumbling out, laughing loudly. "Here they are."

"Guys!" I shouted, waving from the bottom of the stairs. "Down here."

They all walked down the stairs quickly, huge smiles on their faces. "This was a great night!" Jackie said happily, slapping Noah on the shoulder. "Thanks for suggesting it guys. We really needed to let loose after planning the wedding for months on end, right honey?"

"Damn straight," Dick nodded, slipping his arm around Jackie's waist protectively. "Nothing better than a few beers and a dance with my beautiful fiance."

I smiled as a faint blush crept across Jackie's cheeks as she looked up at Dick with love in her eyes. It was the same look Noah had given me when he had dragged me in to the fountain earlier, and the thought made my smile grow, the happiness flooding through me.

"So shall we go home?" Jen said. "It's getting kind of cold out here and unfortunately for me, I don't have a loving boyfriend to lend me his jacket."

"You can cuddle up to me if you want," Dean grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "I wouldn't mind."

"I think I'd rather be cold," Jen retorted, shaking her head at me and smiling before starting to walk in the direction of home.

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