10. He Cares. He Cares Not.

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate,
Only love can do that."


The King's balcony,

Crystaline Castle.


A loud, shattering noise filled every inch of the air. Every limb in my body got frightened just thinking about what must have caused the king to be this angry.

Maybe he just got in an argument with someone that he lost right before coming here? But then again, who would invite their own death to their doorstep by provoking the most feared "his majesty"?

I noticed I wasn't the only one scared as the maid also stepped back couple of feet when the plate collided with the wall right next to her, breaking apart into a million little, shapeless pieces.

The food on it scattered everywhere, too.

But I didn't have much to complain about since I never actually liked those mashed potatoes and veggies anyways.

I was mentally preparing myself to face the King's wrath once again. How long is this going to go on? He would get angry, hit me, and then leave. The next time I see him, we would go through that same pattern again. And again.

At the moment, he had a really pissed off expression on his face, frowning as always. I noticed his eyes which turned golden in a second once again.

"What the hell was on that plate?! She's a human, not a dog who you can feed junk too!" The King's words surprised me to no end.

I thought he was going to yell at me. For doing something I yet never did. Yell at me for existing, or even hit me for talking to the maid earlier. But I certainly did not expect this.

"S-sir, but this is what we have been feeding her everyday... " the maid tried to explain while her eyes looked everywhere except him.

"Are you telling me that my staff is too lazy to cook a proper meal for her?! Look at how weak she's become! All because of you and the kitchen staffs' stupidity. I want you to bring a healthy and proper dinner for her, right now. Failed to do so, I'll make sure you don't live to see the sun tomorrow."

The King's voice dropped to a calm, yet threatening tone.

The maid's eyes widened, she quickly bowed and muttered, "as you wish, you majesty."

The brown hair girl turned on her heels and walked inside to the kitchen, leaving the King and I alone in the coldness of the dark night.

I wrapped my arms around myself to get rid of the goosebumps that always appeared when I was near him.

Before I could ask him what that was about, before I could ask him from where did this sudden concern for me came from, he simply sent a quick glance at me and walked inside too.

I saw him enter the bathroom and shut the door quietly for once.

What the hell just happened?


I leaned back in the comfortable chair that I sat on for the last ten minutes and had my dinner.

To say it was the most delicious meal I've ever had would an understatement.

I don't know what they called it and I was afraid to ask.

The plate consisted of two pieces that seemed like they've been cut from a larger circle. The base was a crunchy, brown bread which held the contents on top of it together.

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