23. What I See.

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"Sometimes the things you're fighting for,

Isn't worth the cost.

And not everything you ever lose,

Is bound to be a loss."



The King's bedroom,

Crystalline Castle.

***********ALEXIS' POV ***********

"You're not a monster. In fact, you know what I See, Damien? You really want to know? Can you handle the truth?"

There was no going back now even if I wanted to, the words were under the roof of my mouth, trying to scratch their way out. I didn't wait for him to answer my hypothetical question.

"I see a five year old boy in front of me. The same five year old who was snatched away from his mother, who was thrown into the cruel world his monster of a father dominated. The boy who built up these walls around him which even he can't break through. You know what else I See? I see that ten year old boy who tried millions of different ways to end the suffering his father was putting him through. In your eyes, I still see that sixteen year old boy who was locked up in his own father's dark dungeons because he spared the life of his enemy's four year old child. He's blinded with so much hatred towards everyone that even he doesn't realize what he truly wants. He wants a hand to hold onto. A hand that will pull him out of that disgusting place that smells of dried up blood and death. A hand that will pull him out of that darkness which still surrounds him."

It seemed as if there was a completely different person inside of me, forcing the words out. I had no choice but to obey. My brain was split in half, both parts pulling my heart towards them. A part of me thought what I said was the biggest truth I've came across, while the other half, it made me question if the words were true at all.

Of course he's a monster, he kept me locked here against my will. He even killed my parents. He's the definition of cruel in my head. However, the other part of me, it believed anything but that.

In between my own chaos of thoughts, I still didn't miss the look on his face.

The mask he puts on himself 24/7 broke into a million pieces, giving me a way to a different Damien.

The Damien who I met last night. The Damien who wasn't afraid to show his emotions. The Damien who was so much stronger than the one on battlefield. This Damien was stronger because he didn't hide his tears from me.

The sight of him looking so defeated, knocked the breath straight out of me. It crushed my heart painfully and it became impossible for my mind to function.

Pure shock was covering his face, along with something else, something that was beyond my understandings.He bit onto his lower lip, rolling it into his mouth. His eyes held mine, they were screaming at me, they were trying to say something, as if almost begging me to help. But I didn't know how to.

I didn't know how to help him.

Great going Alexis, you just made the big bad king cry.

I took a step forward to somehow comfort him, that's the least I could do.

"Look, I'm sorry. But I know how you feel. I under-"

"Shut up," He suddenly snapped. Gone was the previous, vulnerable Damien, as if he never existed.

He closed the distance between us in less than a second and grabbed onto my shoulders, his fingers firmly pressing onto my skin which wasn't covered by the dress I was currently wearing. His grip didn't hurt but it was still strong enough make sure I payed close attention to whatever he was about to say.

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