seven ; umbridge

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The next morning, Diana awoke from her nightmare with a start. Her forehead was drenched in a glistening sheen of sweat, her hair sticking uncomfortably to her neck and face. Her hand had a slight tremor as well as she showered and dressed for the morning to come, and she struggled with her trembling fingers as she set her hair in a simple plait down her back.

She set off down the winding and twisting corridors towards the Dining Hall for breakfast. She decided this morning she would sit with her friends at the Gryffindor table. She was hoping to be introduced to some of the students she had seen in her dreams, for she thought it appropriate that she at least knew the names of those who will become important.

She walked in, and as expected the hall hushed immediately and eyes turned to look at her, but she paid no mind as she walked directly to the Gryffindor table and towards the others.

"Hello," she said, with as much stability as she could muster after her difficult morning.

"Hello, Diana!" Hermione chirped happily, obviously enjoying the thought of starting classes today.

She got a chorus of happy 'hellos' from the others, though Harry's seemed a little halfhearted. His hands trembled slightly like hers and his hand would rub his scar every few seconds. It looked like she wasn't the only one with nightmares.

They talked for a little while as they ate, and McGonagall passed out everyone's schedules. Diana ignored the commotion of the handing out of schedules, and instead focused her eyes on the Umbridge woman at the front. She, like yesterday, wore various shades of pink a wore a sickly-sweet smile on her face that didn't fool anyone.

Umbridge caught her eye and smiled a deviously evil smile. Her eyes narrowed to slits and her tar- colored eyes gleamed with a malevolence that set Diana on edge. There was something behind her eyes, too; a disgusting feeling of superiority, like she knew something that Diana wished she didn't.

Umbridge recognized her. She knew.

She tuned back into the conversation at hand, and Fred, George, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were talking about a joke shop the twins were thinking of starting.

"You guys should do it!" she said, ignoring Hermione's protests. "We're going to need some fun for what's to come."

They furrowed their eyebrows at her, but before they could ask what she meant, breakfast had ended and people started filing out of the room. The twins bade them a goodbye and Diana stood and started walking with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"When do you have Defense Against the Dark Arts?" she asked them, ignoring the stares of nosy students.

"We have it last today. Why?" said Hermione, and they proceeded pushing through crowds to whatever class the three had first.

She shrugged, fiddling with her necklace. "Thinking about stopping by. There's something about Umbridge that doesn't feel right. Of course, apart from being Fudge's second-in-command."

"You're telling me," quipped Ron. "I swear she looks like a bloody toad."

She snickered quietly, and they eventually parted ways when they arrived at the classroom. The walls were by now nearly deserted, with a few straggling first-years and uncaring sixth and seventh years.

She had time to kill until the lesson with Umbridge. She wandered along the empty halls freely, taking her time to examine each peculiar portrait and crevice she came across. She wasn't really paying much mind as she wandered until she came across an odd blonde girl in the middle of the hall. She walked a little closer and she finally recognized her.

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