thirty three ; the mysterious parselmouth

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Diana Floo'd to Hogwarts a day before term started. The students would be arriving the next day through a special Floo connection the Ministry had established that would allow students to return safely and quickly, and Diana wanted to make sure she didn't get caught up in all the commotion.

She Floo'd to the Hog's Head, and said a quick hello to Aberforth before trudging up to the quiet castle. Her Extended bag was crossed around her torso per usual, and the small pouch she had received from Harry was tucked safely away in the depths of the bag. She had put the four Communication Mirrors and Dumbledore's note inside of it. She was planning to give them the Mirrors soon, she just couldn't find the right time.

She stayed the night in the deserted castle and kept to her bedroom when the students arrived the next day. In fact, she didn't leave her room until Hermione came bursting inside through her portrait door.

"Harry and Ron are behind me," she said. She spat Ron's name out with disgust. Diana sighed but said nothing. Moments later, Ron and Harry trailed inside, and the latter closed the portrait behind him.

"We're here to talk about everything that has happened over break," stated Hermione curtly, and the three arrivals sat on her bed with her. Hermione was determined to sit as far away from Ron as possible.

So, for many hours, the four sat on her bed and talked about all of the new information. Harry explained what he had overheard between Snape and Malfoy, and about Scrimgeour visiting them at the Burrow. Hermione, as Diana had suspected, was much less convicted about Malfoy and Snape as Harry was, but she didn't push it.

"How's Lupin?" Hermione asked. Harry had just mentioned how he was underground, spying on the werewolves.

"Not great," said Harry. "Have you heard of this Fenrir Greyback?" he asked the group.

"Yes, I have!" said Hermione. "And so have you! Malfoy threatened Borgin with him," she explained. "In Knockturn Alley, don't you remember? He told Borgin that Greyback was an old family friend and that he'd be checking up on Borgin's progress!"

"Fenrir Greyback," started Diana, and their eyes snapped to her, "is one of the most vicious werewolves in history. He is very openly supportive of Voldemort, and is one of the most useful Death Eaters he has at hand. Fenrir has been able to turn a whole army of werewolves to support Voldemort. He's evil and cruel; he attacks children for fun or for revenge, like Remus.

"Oh, also, by the way--" she pulled her the pouch from Harry out of her bag and opened it with ease. "I got these from Dumbledore for Christmas. One for each of us."

She handed one mirror to each, leaving on for her own. They examined them curiously.

"What are these?" asked Ron.

"Communication Mirrors," she replied. "They're only connected to each other. If you ever need to talk to one or more of us, you chant the name or names three times and you'll be able to see and talk to them through the Mirror."

"These are incredible," breathed Hermione, running her hands over her reflection. "These will be really useful, I bet."

"Dumbledore thought so," she said with a shrug. The three Gryffindors left her room not long after, promising to keep their mirrors safe. She put hers back inside the pouch with the note that had been attached, and set it back into her bag.

She fell asleep fully clothed. Her mind spun, and she didn't think she'd ever be able to fall asleep.

But she did, and found no relief in her slumber as she delved into the depths of yet another nightmare. The next morning, she felt no relief in waking.

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