Chapter 15

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"Lauren...." I felt someone gently nudge me as I squeezed my eyes in annoyance and kept trying to sleep.

"Hey Lauren...." They said just a tad bit more firmer and I felt my body shake as I was being nudged again. I groaned and buried my face comfortably in whatever it was that smelled really good and was super soft.

"Lauren." They said sternly now. "Lauren get up."

"5 more minutes...." I yawed softly burying my face more. I felt it giggle before I was nudged again.

"Well, school starts in less than an hour." They responded. My eyes shot open as my body bolted up.

"What?!" I exclaimed. I heard someone groan in pain as I turned to see Camila wincing at her wound.

"Fuck," I cursed as I remembered the events of the night before and Camila. "I'm sorry." I apologized as I bit my lip.

"It's okay." She said softly as she rested her head back against the pillow.

"Are you sure? Can I get you anything?" I afford kindly as I looked at her wound which was now tinted a little with blood on the gauze.

"No," she swallowed, "I'm fine." She rasped. I bit my lip again, unsure of her answer but just nodded.

That's when I quickly noticed that our legs were intwined and that the thing I was cuddling up against was Camila's neck. I felt a blush soon creep on my cheeks as I looked away and avoided looking at Camila.

"What?" I heard Camila rasp.

"Nothing, um I have to get ready." I excused myself quickly as I didn't want her to see me blush. I untangled our legs and hurriedly made my way to my closet to pick out my clothes before running to the bathroom for a quick shower.

I rushed all morning as I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. I applied my makeup minimally as always before grabbing my backpack as I got ready to leave.

I turned toward Camila who looked tired and still unrecovered. I frowned as I made my way to her and gently placed my hand on her arm causing her to flutter her eyes open to look at me.

"I can stay if you want." I afford to her softly. "I don't mind." I assured her as I gently smiled.

"No, it's okay I'll just wait for Harry. Don't worry I'll leave before your parents notice." She weakly said looking at the clock.

"No! It's okay. Stay here as long as you need. My parents are always up and about anyways and never come in here if I'm not here either way."

She smiled lightly at me tenderly.

"I'll see," she said appreciatively. I sighed as I looked at the clock and saw that I had to go before I was gonna be late. I bit my lip and played with the hem of my shirt.

"Just let me know where you are if you leave please." I muttered faintly. "I'm gonna worry like crazy if you don't." I softly laugh but said it seriously. I will literally stay up all night and thinking about how she is or where she is, etc. If she didn't tell me.

"I will, I promise." She grabbed my hand tenderly and gave it a light squeeze. "You better get to school, I don't want you to be late." She said with her voice still faintly raspy as she looked over at the clock.

I sighed and nodded. I gave her hand a tight squeeze before letting go and bending down to give her a tender kiss on her forehead. I heard her gasp but her eyes fluttered closed and a small smile was placed at her lips.

"Bye Camila."

"Bye Lauren."


I tapped my pencil impatiently as I waited for the bell to ring to end my class which seemed to take forever. This whole day was so slow as it felt like hours instead of minutes. My urge to get home to see Camila was intense and the fact that this day felt so long, made it even worse.

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