5. Holding a Burger Hostage

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You know that moment when you wish scientists were smart enough to invent technology that allowed you to reach into your phone and swiftly land a punch on an asshole's face?

Or that moment when you wish you could seriously harm a person just by thinking about their face and name? Just like you had your own personal Death Note?


Well then, I guess my psychotic side was deciding to show itself today.

Or maybe I was just feeling a little bit murderous after having listened to the biggest asshole on the planet laugh his head off for the past twenty seconds.

Yes, my psychotic side was showing itself.

My fists clenched tightly, I tried to calm myself down as the old couple continued to stare at me.

"Look, Mr..." I began, my voice shaking with anger.

"Please, call me Douglas," he interrupted.

"Look, Mr," I continued as if he hasn't said a single word, "what do you think gives you the right to mess with my life?"

"You messed with mine first, remember?"

"I most definitely did not!" I screamed back, earning a glare from the couple and the barrista working the coffee machine. I tried to bring down my tone.

"Yes, you did sweetheart. You should've just done your business and gone back to your economy class," his voice soured when he said 'economy class'. Typical jackass.

I tried to not act bothered by him mentioning my little situation on the plane which landed me in the first class in the first place. "And you think its totally normal for a person to turn a plane around, just because he can't eat a steak?"

"That steak was overcooked, in my defense!"

"That steal was overcooked? Boohoo! Go whine to your mommy about that," My anger had gotten ahold of me and I couldn't be bothered to care about my growing audience. "Many people aren't fortunate enough to own a company, least of all an airline business, and we have schedules to keep. Do you know how many people could've been fired because of that little childish tantrum you threw, had you gone through with your demands?" I finished off, feeling like a weight had just been lifted off my shoulders.

He was silent for a moment, before he cleared his throat. "No. I guess not."

"Well, now you know," I muttered. His defeated tone threw me off. "Next time, think twice about what you do, especially with your power. Didn't your parents teach you better?"

"No!" His voice went ice cold instantly. "But then again, my father was too busy to care."

"Then your mom?"

"She..." He paused. "Next time mind your own goddamn business!" He snapped before the next thing I heard was the dial tone on the other end.

Well, he's temperamental!

* * *

The rest of the day went by fast, the ridiculous phone call far behind me as I went to the boarding house I'd looked up before coming here. It would cost me roughly $8 to stay there for the night.

Burned (Hate at First Flight #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now