22. Qualifications of a Kiss

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Three different emotions flooded through me as soon as I recognized the voice of the person hugging me tightly.

Shock then gratitude then confusion.

"It's okay, Will," I mumbled out as I tried to pry his hands away from where they were embarrassingly placed, that was just an inch or two above my breasts. "I'm fine." If anything, my attempt at removing Will just made his grip tighter.

The smell of chlorine still remained on him mixed with the undeniable aroma of Big Mac and cologne. Separate they smelt good, tempting even, but together they were so potent that I had to hold my breath in order to not cough or even suffocate to death from its potency.

"I didn't know, Krys," he said, sadness laced into his voice as he placed his head on my neck. "I didn't know." He tightened his hold and my eyes widened when I felt my body tense, his hands an inch closer to the forbidden location.

"It's okay, Will," I tried to loosen his grip again, still holding my breath, my air supply depleting.

"I apologize on behalf of my senile cousin," he ignored my attempts to reassure him, still keeping his grip. "What he did was wrong and just plain jerkish."

Now I could smell the pickle in his breath. "Jerkish?" I turned my head around then hoping he would pull away instantly at the close proximity. He does, but at the last second. His lips grazed the corner of my lips.

A slight gasp escaped me as my fingers reflexively move to touch my face. Will's eyes widened as he finally pulled away and stared at me. "I...I"

I could feel the awkwardness dawning on us and did the only thing that could dissipate it. I laughed. Now before anyone goes thinking how bitchy that was, I had a reason. Will was the only thing that made coming to work at the Burns mansion somewhat bearable. If I didn't dissipate the awkwardness soon, I'd be looking at another reason to avoid this place altogether.

Will watched me confused for a couple of seconds as he wondered what I was doing.

I stood up from the chair I had been sitting on and put some space between us. "Why are looking like we had a full on make out session, Will? It's just a small peck," I playfully slap his shoulders as I took a step away from him. "What?" I smiled at his frown. "Don't tell me you're over thinking that small thing?" I was glad my voice wasn't shaky. After all, that had been the first kiss I'd experienced ever, if of course you didn't count the one I'd received in preschool from Sam Michaels, which I didn't. But then again, what Will and I did was a small peck what Europeans did to each other when they greeted one another.

He chuckled slowly as if still unsure of what I was talking about. "No," he half smiled at me. "Of course not. I'm Will Davis, love. You'd have to give me more than that to qualify it as a kiss."

I smiled. "Good to hear that." Just as I was about to ask him what qualified a kiss in his books I heard something loud hit the ground inside the house, and for the first time since I left the living room, I heard loud screaming. "So what? Are you saying it's okay for me to go outside right now and tell Krystal what happened to your mother?" Despite having known her for the past twenty minutes, I recognized Georgia's voice.

Burned (Hate at First Flight #2) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ