Chapter: 13

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A few weeks ago I would have never thought I would be where I am right now. The old me would have never been seen in a swim suit, or drowning in a pool. There also wouldn't be a boot on my foot. A few weeks ago I would have never let a boy sleep in the same bed as me willingly, yet Julian sleeps here almost every night when I need him.

It's amazing how one person, one thing can change the course of your future. This morning I woke up to Julian cuddling with me. When my dad found out he went ballistic, till Julian calmed him down to explain it. If it wasn't for Julian I probably wouldn't be smiling like a crazy person in my bed right now. He makes me see the world in a better light than I use to. I can finally see dragon clouds again.

"Hey oh." My door slams open as Emma runs into my room jumping on the bed. Griping my sheets I cringe as she nearly misses my boot, that's under the sheets. "So have you heard about what went down at the dinner last night? Cause I have. That's why I drove over here as fast as I could. Julian is currently over their and he's being praised like some god or something." What could possibly drive Emma away from her parents house?

Just about anything.

"I'll take that as a no. So I will tell you. Your mom was so happy you were dating, that she basically gave Julian a key to this house. Your dad wasn't as happy though. I think he's just jealous that a boy can make you happier than he can. They had this manly talk and your dad told him to stay away and Julian was like, if that's what Katherine wants that's what I'll do. That really pissed your dad off.

So they had an argument and it finally ended when your dad realized that Julian wasn't going to leave you alone. So they agreed that they will do what's best for you. I guess your dad really got a surprise when he found out that Julian staying in your bed was in that compromise." Emma laughs while rolling around on my bed. "It's amazing what you can hear threw the doors in my house." My best friend is crazy. Closing my eyes I tune out Emma babbling.

I remember when I was six we were playing in the back yard when Landon decided it would be funny to pull my hair and mess up the pretty braid that Emma did and she even put flowers in it, mom called me Rapunzel the entire day. When Landon pulled the brain out he put a worm in my hair and laughed. I cried, being a girl I was afraid of the slimy things. Yelling at him to get it out he laughed and ran back to climb a tree. Emma being the nice friend she is took the worm out, even though she hates worms also, and then ran after Landon dragging him out of the tree and then threw dirt on his face.

"Kat are you listing to me?" Emma shakes me taking me out of my day dream. "Obviously not you were probably thinking about my disgusting brother." I roll my eyes while shaking my head.

No I was actually thinking about our friendship.

"So let me see that boot of yours." Sitting up I move my leg and as soon as Emma sees it she gasps. "That's worse then what I expected. I thought you would have just an ankle cast for a couple of weeks." She pokes my boot a couple of times then takes her phone out taking a picture of me.

What is she doing? I don't want to be on any social network sites right now. Crap, I forgot that I have taken over my own account now.

"I'm going to kill Julian when I see him." Emma chucks her phone down on my bed. He had one job and that was to look after you." Well he's not my baby sitter. He's my boyfriend. Gosh it's still hard to think of him like that. "So have you had breakfast." Emma suddenly changes the subject.

Does it look like I've had breakfast?

"I'll take that look as a no. So I brought Benny's Dinner food, the one that we used to love as kids, and it's down stairs." I love that place although we haven't been there in forever.

"Come on I'll help you." Emma gets off my bed as I stretch out. "Get up I'm hungry you lazy bum." Rolling my eyes I get up and walk out of my room. Once at the stairs I take my time going down each step.

"Took you a million years." Emma sighs then walks into the kitchen with me following after her. "So I got pancakes, French toast, sausage, and eggs." Does she expect the boys of us to eat all that by ourselves? Maybe she accounted for Landon since he somehow always shows up when there is food around. "So I made sure we could have the house to ourselves today." Why would we need this big house to ourselves?

"I sent your mom and dad over to my house. Our moms are having a little girls outing and both of our fathers are going to a football game later on today. Right now they're playing golf. Aubrey won't be stopping by anyway, and I had Landon's manager book him full same as Julian. The things people do for me right." How can she get everyone to do exactly what she wants? Oh I know she batts her eyes and probably gives them the puppy dog face.

"Well anyway what should we do?" Emma squeals th n looks at me smirking.

Someone save me.


Emma has us laying in front of my fireplace now watching weird videos online. This is after she painted my nails, and went online shopping. Somehow she got Landon's card so he should see a receipt for almost a thousand dollars spent at L&M. Then after knowing I can barely walk she talks about her hook ups. Why can't she talk to someone else about this?

"Oh my gosh have you seen the article about you and Julian?" Taking the tablet from me she starts typing then hands it back.

Our votes are in and its official. Julian Valdez and Katherine Carson are the cutest couple in Hollywood right now. If you don't know Katherine Carson is the younger sister to Aubrey and Landon Carson. At the age of fifteen she

I hand her the tablet back when I realize we're it was going.

"You and Julian have officially been awarded cutest couple." Emma stares at the screen and I can see something flickering in her eyes. "A couple years ago I was the cutest couple." By herself that's weird. "Any ways take a picture with me." Emma takes out her phone and forces me to smile. "Perfect." She starts typing then shows me what she did.

@EmmaBishop: Spending the day with half of America's cutest couple

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