Chapter 18

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Moving my foot around I smile. I'v just gotten my boot off of my foot and it feels really good.

"Now be careful we don't want you to injure your foot again." Smiling I hop off the table and slowly walk out of the doctors office. Unlocking my car I get in and drive home. Parking in the garage I hurry inside.

"Katherine you have mail." Mom waves a purple envelope in my face. "It's from my friend Regina. The one that owns a modeling company. Did you by any chance contact her?" I nod my head taking the envelope and opening it.

Dear Katherine Carson,

We are happy to tell you that you are now part of our company. If you look below you will see our rules and guidelines, and our contract. Also after Christmas we will need you in New York for a photoshoot. Then on New Years we need you to represent our brand.

"Congratulations baby." Mom smiles while giving me the tightest hug ever. Kissing her in the cheek she finally lets go. "Are you going to Julian's or Emma's first?" Definitely Julian's. Grabbing my car keys I rush out the house driving above the speed limit. Driving in his driveway I stare at the car parked in front of mine. I've never seen that burgundy car before. It's also a little old but who cares.

Walking to his front door I knock a couple of times but no one answers. Pushing in the door it slowly opens. That's weird. Slowly steeping in to the house I follow the faint sounds leading to the kitchen.


This can't be happening. Anybody but me. I thought he was different. He told me he was different.

They told me he was not good for me.

Julian is standing against the counter with his pants and underwear bunched around his ankles, while he pushes into Natalia with her dress around her waist sitting on the counter.

"Harder! Gosh your so good." She moans as I freeze.

"Natalia I'm close." I choke on a sob causing them both to stop.

Why am I still here?

Turning around I bolt out the house running to my car as fat as I can, ignoring the footsteps behind me. Jumping in the car I start the car and back up then turn around to find Julian standing in my way.

"Rine get out the car." Pressing the gas I speed forward then slam the breaks as he hits my car. "Please let's talk about this." I shake my head backing up my car in the driveway.

"Julian you never finished." Natalia comes out the house naked and that hits a soft spot.

Putting it in drive I drive around Julian in the grass speeding out of his driveway. Tears pour out of my eyes constantly like Niagara Falls.

Where should I go? He would obviously go straight to my house. Landon wouldn't help, and Aubrey is not on the list. Emma it is. Making a u turn in the road I drive reckless, since I can barely see the road.

Once at her house I speed into the drive way. Parking on the back I run to the back door banging repeatedly.

After twenty knocks she finally answers the door looking pissed off. When she sees my face she suddenly pulls me in the house checking out side then closing the door.

"What the hell happened to you? You look like a raccoon." Well that's nice to know.

Taking out my phone I type a message and show her.

I found Julian screwing Natalia on his kitchen counter.

"You have the be f-ing kidding me." Emma groans while pulling on her hair. "Can he not just stay with one girl? Why is he so difficult. You know what I have the perfect plan." Emma walks to the kitchen and I follow her.

I'm worried that maybe I shouldn't have come here.

"Got it." She pulls out a huge butcher knife smiling at it. "He will literally be dead meat." My eyes widen as I think about all the possible things that could go wrong.

Grabbing the knife from her I put it down on the counter softly.


"What the hell. I'll be back." Emma wishes to the front door answering it. While she's gone I take the knife and hide it inside the pots and pans. "Katherine!" Standing up I rush to the door to see her standing over piles of pizza and one box open. "What the hell is this! I'm calling my security team." Emma walks off screaming things down her phone leaving me with the pizza.

There has to be at least twenty boxes of pizza here. The top box has pictures of taped inside with roses and a note.

Sorry about the breakup although you two weren't meant for each other. We'll be back together soon.


How does he know where I was? Did he plan this? Of course he didn't. You can't force someone to cheat on someone.

"I want to know why this psychotic man is delivering things to my door!" I hear Emma yell from the kitchen.

There's silence for a whole causing me to slowly walk to the kitchen.

"What do you mean he's still in jail, and there's no way he can send packages?"

Who else would want to hurt me?

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