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TW: This book will deal explore themes of PTSD and anxiety.


That feeling in your gut when your stomach drops. The world is spinning; around and around. I can hear people screaming but I'm paralysed in shock and fear. Falling. Like you're on a rollercoaster but it doesn't stop.

But as gravity demands, what goes up must come down, and blood rushed to my face as gravity begun its work. My eyelids were glued shut in fear as I waited for impact, but impact didn't come. Instead, I felt a solid surface beneath me, and whilst my bones were rattled and my body numb from shock I felt no physical trauma.

As I gradually began to relax, the events which I had disregarded in shock hit me at full speed. Loud noise which I quickly established as screams began to break through my haze. I attempted to move but my body refused to cooperate so I was forced to lay where I fell and watch as people who I believe to be paramedics rush around. As I expanded my attention from the paramedics I watch as the remnants of the plane lit up in vicious flames.

I began to cough violently as I inhaled the smoke from the flames which were quickly crawling over the grass. I pulled at several blades of grass in an attempt to move my body away from the flames but it was to no avail. Almost instantly I heard leaves crunching underfoot as feet ran frantically, the sound becoming louder and louder.

"Darling don't move. We're going to lift you into the ambulance and get you to a hospital as quickly as we can," I was informed before my body was slid into a stretcher by paramedics and lifted into an ambulance. Before the doors of the ambulance were shut, I was greeted by a better view of the complete aftermath of the crash. The plane now an entanglement of metal, chairs and luggage which were strewn across the field and small fires which are now contained were littered across the ground.

And blood. Bodies. Everywhere. Bile rose in my throat at the thought of one of those bodies being mine. As the doors of the ambulance shut, obstructing my vision one question one question floods my mind. How am I alive?

"Hello, are you still with us?" A lady questions looking down at me. I nod at her and notice her name badge which shows her name is Linda.

"What's your name darling?"

"Mauve," I croak out. My mind wandered to question again why my blood was not staining the green pasture as was the blood of everyone else who had boarded the plane with my only a few hours earlier.

"Do you feel ok?" She asks worriedly, "Can you breathe? Do you feel any pain?"

I shake my head signalling no as she puts a mask on my face to help me breathe, even though I don't feel harmed.

"I think she's in shock," Linda says to a man as she returns to my vision, "She said she's fine but.." she doesn't finish as they both glance at me.

I decided to ignore them both and look up at the roof of the ambulance as we drove towards the hospital. Whilst I felt okay physically, I began to feel drowsy so I let my body succumb to the pull of sleep.


Hey all, This is the first chapter of Ghost Kisses! I haven't written in quite a while so I'm excited for you to follow with me on this journey. This chapter is quite short purely because it is the prologue. Let me know what you think and i'll upload a 2000 word chapter one tomorrow!

I hope you all enjoy the story and please remember to vote, it means a lot<3

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