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Laila. Always hated the name. Its so overused when people call me.




I say it three times just to make myself even more pissed off then I already am. What can I say? Im a pissed off Person.

Hiding my pissed off feelings from the pissed off world. I hide it from people I hate. I hate my family. But I them.

Let me explain:

My trigger words are simple; "As A Family"


Its like whenever someone says the I want to punch them in the face and tell them to Shut there mouth.

When we do things "As a family" I want to puke because I am sick of this world. I need to escape.

Well, I needed too.

I have one escape where I can be free.

The Best day of my life was April 25th of last year. I got the note.

The note that changed my life.

I was 13 and scared before I got the note. Never mad, just scared. Once I opened the note, it was my own little heaven.

It said something like this:


I have noticed some behavior. Some mood swings. Some changes. You're building up your anger. Hell, your going to end up shooting up a place or something if you dont come with us. We are THE PRATTS. Well, the Pratt society. There are currently 44 of us. We want you to take up the last spot. If so, tonight, at 9:45pm, Just Wait outside in your front yard or something. We'll take it from there.
-The Pratts

I had to get rid of the note. Because God forbid my parents find out.

God Dammit. I am so stressed.

To answer your question you might be asking yourself:

YES. I am I troubled child. I've been one since 2001. Thank you for asking.

I have a boyfriend in the Pratt society as well. Jim Scott. I would spend every second of my life with him if I could.

We goes to my school but....we pretend as if we don't know each other, we only talk when we're around other Pratt's. There are 10 Pratt's in our school including me and Jim:

Me (Laila Haner), Jim Scott , Amy Oslie , Katie Dimond , Jodie Letsberg, Greg Tross, Felix Kebb, Dillon Krill, Sadie Caron, and Reed Wetim.

We never talk.

I mean, yeah, Jim Scott is my boyfriend. Jim tells me all the time on how he wishs we could talk to each other. I mean, we're in five classes together. Its basically torture.

But I,

Laila Arda Haner,

Agree to never speak to another Pratt out of Pratt meetings.

But we still text...

Reed Wetim. Is the leader. With his Girlfriend Ari.

Ari is a slut. Hate to say it, she's dated five Pratt's.






And now Reed?

Reed has some serious issues. Okay...? Like...Seriously he needs help, I would feel bad for Ari but she tried having sex with Jim.

While I was dating him, thank God Jim actually has some sanity.

So yes, there you have it. My life in 520 words.

Maybe I should quit the Pratt society anyways.


SONG: West Coast Smoker By Fall Out Boy


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