Chapter Two

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  "Father?" Lily felt her heart jump against her chest as the word left her mouth. She had not heard from the man on the other line for nearly five years. Why now would he be calling her?

            "How are you, Lily?" his voice, that thick, baritone lilt, lacked empathy and any trace of concern on her part, but she feigned interest.

            "I'm fine." She replied flatly, "Been doin' just fine without you."


            "Is there something I can do for you?" she asked, growing uncomfortable.

            "I called to see how you were doing."

            "I told you-"

            "Yes, fine, I know." He interjected. She heard a long, drawn out sigh. "I know you're not going to make this easy for me, Lil, but whether you want to think me sincere or not, I truly am concerned about you and I-" hesitation and then, "-I have missed you."

            Bull. She thought, but said nothing.

            "You must know how I have missed you. You are my only child, Lily."

            She didn't realize how tight the phone cord twined around her knuckles until it started cutting into her skin. She released it. "You've called for a reason. What do you want?"

            "I admit I have not been much of a father to you, but if you let me, give me a chance to make amends for my absence-" he paused, allowing his words to absorb. "-Your birthday is next week-"

            "Yes, and?" she demanded.

            He sighed and she sensed his patience wearing thin. "I plan to leave for Romania this Friday. I have research there that needs conducting."

            "Romania?" she asked with a hint of excitement.

            "Yes and if you're willing, I would like for you to come along."

            Her heart quickened. She had never imagined her father asking her to join him on a research trip, let alone, travel all the way to Romania. She almost couldn't contain her elation. She glanced up at Jackson, surprised to see him watching her. "I don't know this is a little sudden and unexpected."

            She had waited years for her father to reach out to her and now, she was almost in disbelief that he was actually speaking to her, asking her to share in the most things precious to him, his research. She was absolutely elated but a shred of doubt circled her wary heart. Perhaps he was truly sincere and sought to make things right, after all, it was just the two of them, but she had always known her father to be distant and aloof with little concern to his daughter's wellbeing. But, try as hard as she could, she could not say no. She wanted this.

            "I'll see what I can do." She struggled to keep her voice unfeeling. "Should I call you?"

            "No need. I will have a driver pick you up Friday morning at your apartment. Pack a week's worth of clothing." He paused, "I will see you then."


            She frowned and peered down at the receiver before setting it down. She peered up at Jackson who had been listening intently. "Jackson-"

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