Chapter Thirty-Nine

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     "Petri." Ravensport addressed icily, dark eyes narrowing.

            Varian straightened, his mouth tightening grimly against the baring of his fangs as he hissed beneath his breath, "Conspiring with a scientist isn't your M.O., Hunter."

            Dark eyes flared with a hint of malice as Ravensport said to the men standing at his side, "Kill 'em, leave Petri for me."

            Varian felt Ruby and Blanch tense on either side of him as the armed men surrounding Ravensport inched forward, leveling their weapons.

            Blood was going to be shed.

            The first shot rang out, prompting them into the fray. Bullets ricocheted throughout, glass shattered, walls chipped, and the tangible smell of ammunition laced with silver was unmistakable.

            A guttural cry rent the air as Blanch slammed two humans, their bodies dropping like lead to the floor, their weapons clamoring across the sleek marble.

            Ruby met an onslaught of silver-laden bullets. They hit her like a raging fire, crippling her to her knees in a shroud of momentary pain. In an attempt to dislodge the rounds, she rolled and came up swiftly to her feet, fangs lengthening.

            She rounded to find her attackers already dispersed at Talon's feet.

            He gave a charming, relishing grin before sauntering off, leaving her to glare exasperatedly at his back.

            Varian hurtled towards Ravensport and dropped into a somersault as a forearm whisked above his head. He released a sharpened growl as would a vicious, enraged animal and whirled to rake his talons across the hunter's back.

            Ravensport exhaled painfully, staggered from the blow, the smell of blood hitting the air. He regained his momentum and whirled, brandishing a small, leather pouch.

            Varian advanced, undeterred by its contents.

            Gathering a fistful, Ravensport spewed forth a dusty fog of gray particles. The mass struck Varian's face like tiny specks of fire, issuing a ravaged growl from his throat as he wrenched away, realizing the contents powdered silver.

            The pain was meager and brief, catching him unaware to the sudden clenching of a silver chain as it entangled heavily about his neck, eliciting a violent, perilous roar from him.

            The insufferable pain toppled him. His fingers moved instinctively to the entwined, silver rings cutting mercifully into his flesh but a searing ensued.

            He hissed and jerked his hands away.

            He felt his senses and strength wan beneath the crippling length of chain.


            Lily lay slack against the padded wall; the oppressing, florescent lights beaming intolerably upon her left her weakened and heavy-lidded.

            Her mouth parted which further worsened her sand-papered mouth, her shallow breaths escaping her slowly.

            "Lily?" Jackson's voice resounded in her ears and she winced beneath the abruptness of his tone, "Are you alright?" he called from the opposing wall.

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