Do I Really Love Her? Washington x Insane!Reader

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You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. Wash had just yelled at the Red Team, your team, for using the Blue's tank, again.

"Hey, (Y/N)!!" A voice called. You preferred that the guys called you by your first name instead of your last so that you and your brother, Richard, wouldn't get confused.

"Yo," you said as you saw Grif come into your 'room.'

"We, uh, we need your help." Was all he said before he left. You scooped up your helmet and placed it on your head.

"What's the sich, big bro?" You asked Simmons.

"It's just Caboose being.. Well, C-" He was cut off by Sarge's shouting.

"Take that you dirty blue!!" Sarge had shouted, attempting to shoot Caboose. Key word right there: Attempting. Caboose was running around too fast for him.

"The fuck?" You asked. Caboose looked over to you and grabbed your arm, taking you with him back to blue base. "WHAT THE HELL CABOOSE?!" You shouted and tried to release his hand from your arm, but his grip was too strong. "DICK!" You called out to your brother, whom simply whistled and looked away. 'Asshole.' You thought.

Caboose eventually came to a stop. In front of Blue Base. 'Sigh. Time to be harassed by Tucker. Yay...'

Well, it looks like Tucker was having some, uh, alone time. You cringed at the thought of what you witnessed him doing back in Blood Gulch. That was not a pretty sight. Terrifying, really.

"Oh there you are Cabo- why is she here." Washington asked, his tone deadly.

"I figured the nice lady could help us!" Caboose said, you could tell he still wasn't over Epsilon -Church- being gone.

"Caboose.." You started, "why the hell would I help the enemy? Ch- Epsilon's disappearance has done nothing but harm you. That's all we need to win this damn war then we can leave this fucking boxed canyon! That's- that's all we need.." You kept muttering to yourself, seeming like you were a bit, no 'a bit' wasn't right, completely insane.

Caboose and Wash stared at you in terror- well more Wash than Caboose, he just looked at you in sadness.

"Arizona," You could hear a voice say, the problem was.. it wasn't your name. (if it is change the Arizona part to something else like uh California)

"Wh-what..?" You heard a female voice call out.

"What the hell is going on?!?!" You screamed.

|Washington's point of view|

"What the hell is going on?!?!" (Y/N) screamed. I stared at her in.. In.. Terror. I'd hate to admit it, but she was scary. No one has ever seen her like this before. No one over here at Blue Base, that is.

"(Y/N)." I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. No reaction. "What on earth.." I muttered.

"Hey, guys." Tucker said as he walked into the room. I glanced over at him for a second. "What's wrong with her? Caboose did you break her?" He asked.

"Tucker did it."

I mentally facepalmed. They kept arguing. "Tucker," I started. "Go get Simmons."

"Is he the tall, nerdy one or the fat, lazy one?"

I sighed. "The tall, nerdy one." He nodded and walked over to Red Base, hopefully returning with the maroon soldier.

**10 minutes later**

Tucker returned, unscathed. "They wouldn't let him come unless they all came. Bow Chicka Bow Bow." He quickly said.

"Wh-what's wrong with my little sister?" Simmons asked, worriedly.

"Something's.. Something's wrong with her." Was all I said before Simmons crouched down to her side, hugging her.

"It's okay, Ari. It's okay.." He whispered in her ear.

"Who's Ari?" Grif asked nosily.

"It's.. It's hard to explain." Simmons whispered quietly.

She fell asleep in his arms. 'I wish I was him..' I thought. 'What am I thinking? David, you can't she's on the other team.' A voice deep in my mind responded, 'Who cares? You love her and you know it.' My own voice responded, thankfully not aloud. 'I haven't loved since CT was here and you know that.' The voice simply chuckled and faded.

"Wash, you okay there man? You've been zoned out for a while." Tucker said waving a hand in my face.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I responded, cursing since I stuttered.

I ask myself a question,
'Do I really love her?'

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