Chapter 6 - Phoenix Rising

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"Can you hear me, Agent?" The ASO commander asked, standing at the reborn agent's bedside the following day. "Agent Phoenix, we're glad to finally have you as a member of our organization."

Phoenix looked over at the commander, then looked towards the other members of his squad. "Commander Williams... What's my first mission?" he asked, looking at his wrist. A red light shined through the microchip, which he covered up with a red leather fingerless glove.

The commander smiled softly, pleased at how well the enhancement was working. "Your mission is to infiltrate enemy headquarters and retrieve our weapons files," he replied, handing Agent Phoenix a pair of black and red metallic batons.

The reborn agent nodded, looked at his fellow comrades and got down from the hospital bed before leading the agents to the parking lot. "Activate fighting style 3224," he said as the data file downloaded and activated via an M1 chip.

Over at the ISA headquarters, Raven was in the armory, trying to wrap her head around the events that transpired yesterday. Was she really dreaming? Or was the thing that attacked her last night a sign of things to come?

Just then, Melissa ran into the armory in full uniform. "The ASO. They're gonna try and retrieve their files," she said before grabbing her set of white throwing stars and bo staff.

Raven gulped. She knew that Nick would be assigned to lead the mission. He was their best agent, for crying out loud. Nevertheless, he was seen as an enemy, romance or not.

She hastily put on her black and purple uniform, raising up the hood on her vest. Her heart pounded in her chest as she reached for the escrima sticks in her locker, then stepped out to join her comrades.

The ISA had taken a strategy out of their opponent's playbook and had agents posted at every corner of the facility, unaware of the new force that came as a new threat to them.

The ASO agents arrived, wasting no time in picking the lock to the facility's doors. They slid open as the opposition rushed through, taking out the ISA agents that stood in their way.

Agent Phoenix had broken away from the group and stormed through the facility in search of the files, passing by each of the different rooms. At last, he had found it. And he had found her.

Raven looked down the hallway and saw Nick, walking towards him. "Nick, I --" she stopped in her tracks when she finally saw him up close. "You're not- what did they do to you?" She felt a tear running down her cheek and unhooked the weapons from her belt.

"Nick is gone, you twit. He's never coming back," Phoenix replied in a monotone voice.

Raven gripped her weapons tightly, blinking her tears away. "I don't wanna do this, Nick... but they've left me no choice."

Phoenix looked at the girl with no remorse, no emotions. Most importantly, no memories.

He started to swing at her with his own weapons, missing almost all of his strikes as he struggled to cope with his new targeting display. Only a couple of blows connected.

Raven staggered back against the wall and looked at her opponent while clutching her side. "Nick, I know you're still in there... Please remember me. It's-" She avoided the oncoming strikes and kicked the weapons out of his hands before knocking him onto his back and pinning him. "I won't fight you, Nick! Remember what you told me right before I lost you?" Raven asked, looking into Phoenix's eyes. "I love you."

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