Chapter 5.5 - Heartbreak Road

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Back home, Raven rushed up to her room after a very quiet dinner with her aunt. Nick, I seriously hope you're okay, she thought, climbing into her bed as she cried herself to sleep. Stop getting ahead of yourself, Rae. He'll be fine. She found herself slipping into a dream...

Raven suddenly found herself back in the ISA's training room, dressed in her uniform, but accented with a lighter shade of purple. She looked in front of her, towards the full-length mirror, and saw Nick's reflection staring right back at her.

Maybe she was just imagining things. Or her dream was about to take a turn for the worse. But he was there. He was perfectly fine. No bruises, no cuts. Nothing. She turned around and looked behind her. He was gone. Her mind was definitely playing tricks on her. "Nick..." she whispered, walking towards him.

He smiled at her. But then, his appearance started changing. "Raven... run," he replied, his voice sounding almost demonic as the room started spinning. Nick had suddenly disappeared from the mirror.

Everything started falling from the drawers wildly, as if a hurricane had come into the room and threw everything onto the floor. Weapons fell from the rack and then landed at Raven's feet. 

"Nick, this isn't funny!" She picked up the escrima sticks and walked backwards, away from the mirror as she looked behind her. No one was there. "N-Nick... please stop..." She started walking towards the door, but suddenly dropped to her knees, feeling extremely nauseous.

The room slowly stopped spinning and the door appeared to swing open by itself as Raven managed to regain her composure enough to stand up, even though she felt like throwing up any minute now. She slowly staggered towards the door, which had relocated itself to the other side of the room due to all the spinning.

Suddenly, Nick leapt down from the ceiling, landing on top of her as she felt her weapons slip out of her hands. He then brandished twin polycarbonate escrima sticks and held them at the defenseless girl's neck. "I can't let you leave just yet, Raven," he said in a low voice. "We have some unfinished business."

"Nick, stop! What did they do to you?! Tell me-" Raven gasped when she looked up into his eyes. His right eye shined a bright red behind an all-black tactical mask. "You're not him. What— ugh!" She reached for a knife on her belt and plunged it into his hand, forcing him to let her go as she staggered back towards the wall.

Nick groaned in pain and pulled the knife out of his hand and threw it away. He then picked up his escrima stick and ran towards Raven at full speed, a low snarl escaping his lips.

Raven forced herself to wake up as she let out a loud gasp and started panicking, trying to catch her breath. "What... was that?" She looked around her room cautiously. "The same figure from the night before... that can't happen to Nick."

Her alarm clock flashed the current time: 3:00 am.

Witching hour... explains a lot, she thought. Maybe Nyx is fucking with my head... nah, she chuckled.

The girl calmed her breathing down long enough to be able to go back to sleep.

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