Finding your theriotype

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Hey! Scorch is in the den! When you realize your therian, you may not be sure what your animalistic spirit is. All new therians should read!

First, I want to clear things up. You don't have to have seen your theritotype to have a connection to it! Sure there's probably a blue whale therian or a polar bear therian who's never seen their theriotype. You don't have to see it to believe it's in your soul. To know it's in your soul. You cannot choose your spirit or his/her name! You are BORN with it!

Now, with some if us, you may have always known the connection, had a dream to show you, or your spirit just blurt the word "fox" or "liger" out when your trying to discover your theriotype. For some, it is not so simple...

I'd say to start first by going back through your past and writing down any possible dreams and shifts you've had. Make a journal of all shifts, dreams, and animalistic thoughts and actions. Attempt to find a main group of creatures. Canines, felines, birds, amphibians, fish, horses, ext. Do research on the personalities and the habits of potential animals. Try to match your behaviors to a certain group of animals, such as domestic dogs, big cats, or owls.

Now, your ready to dive deeper. Start meditating, imagining the physical attributes of the potential creature. Do those owl wings feel right? Does that tail wag smoothly? Are those talons awkward? Forced? Don't lie to yourself. Let your spirit be known.

Now, I'll use a barn owl as an example. Now that you've noticed the way the talons seem to curl from your toes and feathers protrude from your arms, your ready to start to define the creature. You've looked back and noticed that your a nighttime person. You can assume that you must be some sort of owl. You love to climb up in trees, attempting to make a little shelter in there. You feel like your larger than other birds. Larger than a cat. Meditate again and try to imagine physically morphing into an owl. let the feathers color themselves and let the special features come in.

Now, you see that white feathers are growing over your face in a heart shape, with a fringe outlining it. You feel your facial muscles contract, listening deeply. Your ears feel lopsided, and you realize that they're like the ear slits of barn owls. Now let your hearing focus, and glide after your meal. You glide silently through the dark air.

Now, this truly is a long process. Even after this, you cannot know completely. You could've been wrong. Identify as a barn owl and see how it feels. Maybe your facial feathers seem a bit messy and spotted. Perhaps you're a sooty owl, which shares the same hearing quality as a normal barn owl, since their both tytos. (The scientific name for them) You may even have just made up the white facial feathers, and are actually a spotted owl!

I hope this helped! Remember, this is a long process, and the owl is only an example. There is a crap ton of meditation and research to be done. Scorch: OUT!

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