How to Tell Someone is Fake

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Hey there my pups! Sorry I haven't updated in ages! These are some ways to tell that a so called Therian is a fake. Keep in mind, they may just be confused and have a different 'type or actually be an Otherkin.

-They are always adding theriotypes to their list. You can't just keep saying your having more and more animal spirits. Your body would be so filled up and confused. Keep cameo shifts in mind.
-They are a cat therian and are talking about being in Clans from Erin Hunter's Warriors. I'm sorry to break it to you but the Clans don't exist. Please don't try and argue FictionKin because those are impossible. I will rant on that subject later. Lions are the only group social animal, but even then there is only one adult male allowed per pride.
-They mention their pack fighting in wars. Amongst wolf packs, they will occasionally have small skirmishes over territory, especially if there are several packs in a small space, and/or overlapping territories. No group of animals will ever organize constant fights and get into a full blown war. Usually one or two battles would be enough to assert who holds the dominance over a certain area.
-They say they are a pure wolf with blue eyes. That is impossible. No pure wolf can have blue eyes past the age of eight months old. Don't try to argue with me on the facts. Either you are a wolfdog, confused on your 'type, or not even a therian at all and just lying to yourself and/or the community.
-They have unrealistic colors. There is no possible way an animal can have natural tribal spots and swirls. With wolves, bears, and many other animals  bold patterns such as white with black paws are impossible. Research on the animal you are considering and look up photos of it. If the animal looks nothing like how you see it, then you have made a mistake or are just trying to lie to be part of the community.
-They say they their animal has powers. No. Just no.
-They claim to have an animal with added limbs (such as a cat with wings or a fox with two tails) and refuse to think they are an otherkin.
-They have a fur suit or an OC or something that is very similar to their theriotype who they discovered after (key word after) making whatever it is they made. You can not choose the look of your 'type, or anything else about them for that matter. They are given to you, you can't just go through a selection menu and pick them!
-They reply to any questions about awakening with something along the lines of "I thought it was a really cool animal..." Must I repeat that you can not choose!

Check for updates on this section, I'll probably think of more later.

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