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I was so tired from my month long marathon of work. I slept like a rock. I vaguely remember Chris waking me up telling me he had to go. I vaguely remember kissing him, but that was a little fuzzy. I woke up again around eleven. I couldn't even remember the last time I've slept in this late. It felt good. I stretched out my legs a bit and yawned. I checked my phone, and nothing drastic happened while I slept. So I stayed in bed a little longer and finally got up for a long shower.

If Donna and Tom from Parks and Rec were here, they would say I was having a Treat Yo Self Day. I went shopping at a upscale mall I liked. I actually didn't get anything which beats the point of a treat yo self day, but I still relaxed.

I met Chris at set around 3:30, since he was getting off a little early today.

"Hey" I said greeting him with a kiss.

"Hey" he replied. He slipped on his usual baseball cap and sunglasses.

"Are you ready for this, because you still don't have to go. I told them I wasn't sure you would get off work."

"No, no I want to meet them." He reassured me. Tonight we were driving down to Akron, Ohio to meet my family for dinner at my sister's house.

"Okay, just know you have a way out."

"It'll be nice. Don't worry Luce. You worried they won't like me?" He joked slipping his arm around my shoulders.

"No, quite the opposite. I'm pretty sure I'll have to rip you from their grasp." I admitted making him laugh. We go back to the hotel and changed for dinner. I put on a casual dress, and Chris slipped on a nicer shirt.

"You look nice." He told me and we walked to the car.

"Thank ya." I said and I put the car in drive.

This was the first boy I've brought home in awhile. It had been a couple months since I last saw my family. Cate, my sister, was the pinnacle of a good person. She got some kind of environmental studies degree from Stanford, then she joined the peace core. She met her husband, Alec, in the peace core. They've settled down back home. He teaches at a high school, and she works for the EPA. They've got two cute little kids, Charlie, and Leah. Leah's the oldest in second grade, and Charlie's in kindergarten. My mom and dad live close to them in Akron. I'm the black sheep in my family. I left and never came back, plus, I've had no interest in really starting a family either. My mom, dad and sister are nice, soft, and caring people. Each of them work in the community, go to church, feed the homeless, take care of the old, that type of stuff on the daily. I've got to be brutally honest; I never picked up their service attitude. I'll gladly help old and sick people, but I don't actively search out the opportunities like I should. That also makes me stick out like a sore thumb in my family.

We arrived in a nice middle class neighborhood. The house in front of us, was in a typical suburb. It was a brick two story with a green door and a nice lawn. I parked the car in the drive way and noticed my parents car already parked. I knocked lightly on the door and entered it.

"Cate? Mom? Dad?" I called from the entry way. To our left was a living room, littered with toys and to our right was the stairs to the upper level.

"Lucy?" Cate yelled. She rushed from the kitchen in the back of the house to greet us. She gave me a long hug. She made her way to Chris and offered her hand. Like me, she has brown hair and brown eyes. But her's, aren't dull like mine, they're lively and happy.

"I'm Cate O'Malley."

"Chris Evans. Nice to met you." He said shaking her hand. She gavr him a warm smile, and if the name rings a bell she doesn't show it. We followed her deeper into the house to see Leah and Charlie showing something off to my parents.

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