Chapter 35: Surprises All The Way

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Okay guys I really need to ask a question to you guys.

If (hypothetically speaking) this book was to be published, who would like to buy it? BE HONEST.

Okay so...

#1 on HUMOUR?! *squeals*

Half million reads? *squeals and faints*

I can't- it's just- I DONT EVEN KNOW!!

So I decided to write you people a chapter.

My Best Friend was once a quite being.
I created a MONSTER!

Chapter 35: Surprises All The Way

"Once again," Candy encouraged and I glared at him.

"How many times do we have to go through this? My voice is going to go sore if we keep on doing it!" I complained.

"Okay one last time. I want you to be perfect on stage the day after."

I groaned but positioned my guitar back on my lap before strumming it.

Yesterday, after the movie session, I had received a message from school saying that I had qualified for the next round.

To say that my nerves were in a frenzy would be an understatement.

And I committed a grave mistake of telling Candy that. Since last night he's been thrusting my guitar into my hands and making me sing the songs again and again.

Even now, he woke me up two hours before the school is supposed to start.

For a moment it might even look like he's the one who is supposed to compete. He keeps biting his nails when I strum the guitar. 

Like dude!

Like always we were supposed to have a theme for the songs and this time, the challenge was a bit tricky.

We were supposed to collaborate with another participant of the hunt of another category.

We could not take a non-participant or any disqualified one.

It could be any participant but the thing was that you needed to harmonise the whole act.

I couldn't just pick an art student and ask her to paint on stage.

"So have you asked Sam if she hasn't been offered a collaboration with anyone else?"

"I hope not. She's my safest option right now," I admitted.

"I don't think she's going to agree to do a collaboration with anyone else. Especially if she knows that you need her," Candy smiled and my insides turned into a mush.

I smiled back but it soon dropped when he muttered those cursed words.

"Now sing it from the top," he ordered.

I groaned.


"You stupid ass! If I get late now, I'll make sure that you don't live to see another day!" I hissed at my best friend who was busy strolling leisurely beside me as I speed-walked.

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