Chapter 37: Shock Like A Thunderbolt

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Thank you @LyndsyHinman for the cover. Love the quote below❤️
Dedicated to @roxoxoxox :)

A Best Friend knows who you are,
Understands where you want to go and
Pushes you to reach there <3

Chapter 37: Shock Like A Thunderbolt


Boisterous laughter echoed in the halls and I tried to increase my speed.

'Tried' being the key word here. No matter how much I tried to run, the sad fact was that I wasn't in any position to outrun a soccer player.

So I did the best possible thing to catch him. I shut my mouth and sat down behind the staircase, effectively shielding myself from majority of the house.

I shook my head. And to think being in a relationship would change everything.

Honesty, I hadn't even given it a thought. Being in love, was something I'd only read about so, naturally I ignored whatever I was feeling until yesterday morning.

After Candy had told me about his date, I'd not been able to catch a good night's sleep. I kept thinking about the girl he would take out, where he would take her, if the date would be romantic or not.

My mind kept clogging these thoughts which had me thoroughly annoyed and irritated by the next morning. 

So much so that when Sam came, I did nothing but rant about it. Thinking about seeing Candy with any other girl had my claws ready for a scratch match.

Apparently when I'd exceeded my rant time of one and a half hour, annoying Sam to her limit, she nearly slapped me. It was after we had practised for the competition.

She made me sit on the bed and slapped some common sense into me. I'd been so absorbed by the world of fiction that I had forgotten that love could exist in real life too.

But I still had one confusion.

If I loved Candy in that way, how come I never felt jealous when he was with Shelley?

"That's because you subconsciously knew that that relationship was never going to last at all," was Sam's answer.

After she left me to go check on Nate, then my thinking powers got to work.

I didn't want to go talk to mom about it because let's face it, if what Sam was saying was true, it would be plain embarrassing.

After thinking for a whole lot of time, I called the next best person I could've thought of. Nate.

Honestly, he was the one who made me realise the true facts. And that was done purely by torturing me

How, you might ask?

He made me imagine all sorts of scenarios where there were other nice girls who would win Candy's heart and then he'd spend his time with his girlfriend instead of me and then I'd have to go through their cuddling sessions and open PDA and then after a few years he'd get married and then nothing would be the same at all.

This whole imagination irked me a lot. My jaw clenched as I imagined him cuddling with anyone else on our movie nights.

So after pure torturous scenarios, it dawned upon me that I was actually in love with my best friend.

And yesterday what happened with Nick, it was beyond enraging.

I'd seen Candy with Lisa when he was trying to duck behind the popcorn stand.

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