13. Car or Truck

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(Another media picture of Taylor)

Original Published Date: 27 November 2015


James POV

I've been gone for about half an hour and no matter what I did I couldn't get Estelle off my mind. It was like she's a tattoo on my brain, permanent, not even laser surgery could remove her. Victor better be working on her breaking up with him.

I open the door to the house and plop on the couch. I turned to Not A Fox news, waiting to hear what's latest. "We have some fascinating news, Alpha and Luna are taking a trip to Beverly Hills for their 20th year anniversary. Perhaps to make friends with the Chihuahuas that run around." She joked although it wasn't funny. "Speaking of vacation. The pups will be let out of school two weeks earlier than the teenagers..."

The house phone rang and I decided I had nothing better to do, so I answered.

"This is the West/Tryton residents, to whom am I speaking to?" I answer.

"James, it's Chelsy. I'm glad you're still at the house with Estelle, is she treating you well?" Estelle mom asks.

"Just fine actually, but she's not with me right now, she's in her room."

"Is she isolating herself, again?"

"No, Mrs.Tryton, she has a friend over."

"Taylor?" She asks.

"No ma'am."


"They broke up, he found his mate."

"That's great! Who?"


"Oh. That sucks. Who's she with?"

"A friend of mine, Victor."

"Well, I've been trying to get a hold of her, do you think you can give her the phone?"

"Ya, sure, one sec." I held the phone in my hand as I jogged up the stairs.

I didn't bother to knock, considering Victor has probably done what I asked. "Estelle your mom wants to tal-" I look up and see Victor smiling down at Estelle as she lays on the bed her arms wrapped around his neck. Her robe falls to her side and I see she's completely naked.

Then I'm instantly noticed. "J-James, l-let me ex-xplain." I try and hide my anger but my wolf is in control, and he won't be simmering anytime soon.

I realize that I crushed the phone and Estelle looks worried. "Vic, the window." He didn't even bother to open the door, he jumped right through the glass, sensing the amount of anger I have boiling under my skin.

I jump out the window after him and I'm so close behind him.

'Stop.' I tell my wolf.

'Shes mine. Shes ours, and he will have to die for this.' I knew there was no stopping him.

I tackled Victor to the ground and punched him in the face causing his nose to bleed. "Okay," he said breathless, "I deserved that." I punched him again, and he coughed up blood. "And that." But I wasn't done, I was not done. I kept punching him. I hear police sirens, but I don't stop.

"Put your hands up where I can see them!" One of the men yelled.

I heard several guns being cocked back so I put my hands up in surrender. I felt myself being lifted and cuffed as the police officer said. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of the law. You have the right to an attorny now and at any further point of questioning. If you can not afford an attorny the state will provide one for you. Do you undrstand your rights?"

"Yes the hell I do." I grumbled. He pushed my head down and put me in the car.

"Hey! Call a ambulance, this guy may go to jail for murder." A guy yelled.

"He's acting the guy will be fine." I utter.

"Shut up."

"Office Chris, get in the car." Then we were almost ready to take off, we just had to wait until Victor was situated.

She must've of heard, I knew she'd do something so fucking stupid.

Estelle POV

I put on some clothes and followed. By the time I got there there was police cars and a ambulance truck.

I saw James in the back of the cop car, then Victor being put in the back of the ambulance truck.

I know, I get it, I'm such a piece of shit.

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