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You guys, we are FIVE more chapters to the end of Draconian! I'm so excited for you guys to be done with it because then you get to read Astoria (pretty please...?). Anyway, now that we're so close to the end, I thought I'd ask: how many of you do NOT ship Dramione, but because of this story, kinda sorta do?

I gotta be honest, after writing fifty chapters of Dramione...istilldonot.

x Noelle




4 6

s c o u r g i f y 

Cleans target object.

ANDROMEDA WAS A whirlwind of excitement when she rushed into the kitchen several afternoons later. Hermione was seated at the table with Blaise, Theo and Luna, the four of them elbows deep in separate bowls of flour and sugar. Baking. Theo had come in earlier and almost laughed out a lung at the sight, but then Luna had remarked something about how girls – especially the Patil twins – liked men who could bake, and Theo was promptly reeled in hook, line and sinker.

Hermione and Blaise had exchanged amused glances. There was something very unusual about the friendship that had sprung between Theo had Luna. In earlier days, it mostly consisted of Theo calling her "Loony" and swearing under his breath whenever she brought up something entirely out of this world (out of any world, really), but the animosity had long since diffused into something else.

So a new bet had begun, this time centred on Theo and Luna. Draco and Pansy thought that Theo still liked his slags and would continue his hedonistic activity to the ends of this earth. Ron and Harry had agreed too, and jumped on the bandwagon by offering their share of two galleons each. Hermione, on the other hand, was a hopeless romantic and she, Blaise and Ginny thought there might be some potential between them.

Neville, of course, wasn't involved in the picture. According to Ron, he'd been – "head over heels for Luna, but the git still hasn't summoned any balls to ask her out". Whereupon Draco had offered to conjure up some literal balls for Neville, you know, just for fun.

Ginny had smacked him then.

And Hermione had approved.

She was still thinking about this incident when Andromeda's voice broke her trend of thought. Pushing aside her bowl of batter, Hermione looked up at the older witch, who was telling them two things – the first being that the Order had just gone on a siege to take over the Malfoy Manor.

"The Order's been setting its sights on that place for a long time," Andromeda said, as she put on her apron and took the bowl from Theo, who was making a horrendous mess. "They finally managed to break down the wards less than an hour ago."

Blaise blinked. "The Dark Lord's headquarters isn't guarded?"

"Apparently, Arthur Weasley says that's no longer the headquarters. It's been relocated."

"Where to?"

Andromeda looked faintly hesitant. "Well – Hogwarts."

A silence descended upon the group. Hermione could practically see the expressions of nostalgia on Blaise, Theo, Luna and even Andromeda's faces as they evidently recalled their days spent in the school.

4.1 | Draconian ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora