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           She smiled at the trio standing behind Remus. The boys all whispering and pushing each other fighting to speak to this mysterious girl they had rescued. Finally a boy with should length curls and a wicked smile, who Madison recognized as Sirius Black.

   There was something to Sirius eyes that she hasn't seen in the Sirius she had known, a light in his steel grey eyes, that faded with his time in prison and the death of his friends. She couldn't help but give a smile to him seeing that flirt filled grin.

"I'm Sirius Black, the most handsome of our little group." He gave her a crooked but flirtatious grin, but was quickly shoved aside by someone who looked almost identical to Harry. James...

            "I'm James, and this guy behind me is Peter. We were the ones who helped Remus bring you back from the edge of the forbidden forest." She couldn't help smiling at how friendly they all seemed, so full of life.

Unlike the Remus she had known, who had spent too many moons alone. Thinking one of his best friends had betrayed James leading to his death.

     The loneliness had weighed heavy on him. But she also recognized the changes in Sirius the man who was nearly driven mad, who only clung to his sanity knowing he had a godson who needed him. Clinging on to the knowledge that he was an innocent man.

              Madison  smiled "I'm Madison, I'll be starting classes as soon as I feel up to it." She smiled weakly at them. It was the first sigh of fatigue that escaped her, as if on cue a beautiful red head with painfully familiar green eyes perked up.

"Leave the poor girl alone will you. From what Potter said she's had quite a day. So I'm going to show her the girl's dorm" she said gently touching the girl's shoulders and leading her up the stairs.

Once she was in the dorm room, Lilly pointed to the bed closest to the far wall. "We knew you were coming when the room expanded itself and an empty bed popped up" she said simply.

She smiled and pulled out an extra pair of pajamas. A lose long sleeve shirt and a pair of fuzzy long pants "Professor Dumbledore left me a note saying you didn't have much so he asked me to leave you a pair of my pajamas. Plus James kind of let it slip how horrible you looked when they found you...they want me to watch out for you. Since you do seem awfully quiet" she smiled

           Lilly was nowhere near a naïve as the Marauders liked to pretend she was. Lilly noticed how ridged the girl was standing. How her eyes darted around the room as if afraid to be attack. She saw how Madison's hands shook. She had read about these symptoms in the magical world. It was the after effects of the Cruciotous curse. She knew the girl need her rest. She needed to let her body recover from the abuse it had no doubt substained.

            Madison breathed out her thank you quickly ducking behind the curtains of her bed to change. Not wanting to answer the question that she knew would come with her wounds. How dark magic practically oozed out of them. How she still felt every harsh cut of the blade as if it was still happening. It terrified her. What if it felt like this in till she became so used to the pain she no longer felt it.

   Her magical core still ached from the cruico's she endured. When she was dressed she laid down. Madison had heard Lilly leave when she was changing. Probably giving her room to process everything that happened.

          But Madison was so completely exhausted from her day, she quickly feel asleep. Falling into the abyss called sleep. But she didn't sleep peacefully for long, her her nightmares were plagued with flashes of red with the high-pitched laugh of Bellatrix. Her cries, her begging for the pain to stop. For everything just to end.

            Lilly was woken up by the sound of crying, hearing the sound of Madison tossing and turning. Just practically jumped out of the bed when Madison began to start begging for someone to stop. To kill her instead. Lilly's green eyes filled with sadness. What had happened to this sweet girl? She rushed to her, only then did she notice the blood seeping through the shirt. She was just about to yell at the girls to go get help.

When she heard the door slam open. Remus came rushing inside. She paused just for a minute to wonder how he made it past the enchantment on the stairs to make it up the steps. But Remus looked like a man on a mission. She certainly wasn't going to stand in his way.

          Before Lilly could ask what he was doing, he had scooped Madison up in his arms. Muttering that he was taking her to the medical wing. Lilly didn't even try and argue. She nodded, hearing the door shut and she turned to Madison bed, deciding to clean it up before the other girls woke up. She was surprised they hadn't. They probably put a silencing charm around there beds so they couldn't hear anything. She had never been more thankful for her friend's hatred for early morning wakeup calls.

Remus rushed through the halls all the way to the Medical wing of Hogwarts. He knew that Madison clawing at the crude word on her forearm had re-opened the barely closed wound. 

   He didn't want her to feel as if she was a burden to her new roommates. So he quickly decided that he would watch over her. Protect her from everything and anyone who dare mess with her. HE knew it was just his possessive nature talking, his wolf need and want to be close to her to protect her from harm.

Madam Pomfrey didn't look the least bit surprised when Remus walked in holding Madison. Her brow forming beads of sweat. Blood began to run down her arm. The word now completely open as if they had just happened. Remus watched with narrow golden eyes

    "I told Albus she wasn't ready to be integrated back into the students. The effect of being tortured by that curse. Would bring a grown wizard to the brink of insanity. It tells you a great deal about this young girl doesn't it." Madam Pomfrey said as she began caring for the fragile girl almost taking on the appearance of a mother over her sick child. She had a variety of potions and was making Madison drink them.

Whatever, the medi-witch was doing already made Madison look a dozen times better. Her cheeks gains some color. She was no longer thrashing around in her sleep. He saw most of her muscles physically relax. Which made it easy for the medi-witch to take care of her wound on her arm.

The older women looked up at the boy "Remus...dear, I can take care of her from here. You can go back to your dorm. You have classes in the morning" Madam Pomfrey did take notice to the young man's eyes. She knew she was talking the more primal side of the boy.

She let out a sigh, "But if you insist on staying by this girl's side take one of the beds and at least try and get some sleep for me. Ok? This girls going to need you at your full going to take all the support she can get for her to recover from this."

Remus nodded his head slowly and toke the bed closest to Madison so he had full view of her. Just in case he needed to rush and comfort the girl when she was in the middle of a nightmare. His golden eyes finally flash back to tired brown eyes as the last thing he saw, this new mysterious girl. That made every nerve in his body scream to protect her

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