Dark Night

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    After that night in the common room, it seemed to make Remus ok to be around Madison again.  The tug of the wolf to want to be near her closer to the full moon was just to strong for him to just ignore it anymore.

    It became almost routine for them to meet in the Great Hall and eat breakfast together. It got to the point they could practically fix each other's plate of the other, who wasn't there yet. Remus had learned Madison like tea for practically every meal. He had learn she like almost as much cream in her tea as she did actual tea.

     But this morning wasn't like the other, Remus had been there but he looked tired and completely miserable. Madison didn't request an answer as to why he looked so horrible. Which she could tell made him relax. Even though Madison didn't say anything about how awful he looked when she notice he wasn't eating she pushed his plate closer to him in a silent warning for him to eat. Which startled the other boys at the table since it was typically them that had to remind Remus to eat the morning before the full moon.

   Breakfast that morning went off with out much conversation at all, there was a heaviness to the air that brought silence to everything. Because none of the marauders wanted to speak afraid if they did Madison would question why Remus looked so horrible. Madison was very cryptic with Remus all day after breakfast.

     "Some days may be tougher then others but I promise that one day they will be just a little bit brighter......one day. I promise you Remus" She told him before she disappeared after dinner to where she alway seemed to disappear to.

Later that day the boys still couldn't find her secret study spot on the map, it's like she completely disappeared. Sirius practically growled in frustration at not knowing where she went.

     "We've practically mapped out the whole school for the map last year. Where on earth does she go that not even the map can tell us where she is" He screamed as he looked at the map not seeing Madison's name on it anywhere.

   "She always goes to the same place and then completely disappears from the map." Sirius growled, glaring at the map.

        Remus was curious about where Madison went but he was aching and on edge all day. His body knew what was about to happen, but part of his body craved to be near Madison. His soul was practically searching to be with hers. He let out a almost animalistic sounding growl. He hated that he didn't understand his own feeling toward the new girl. He felt a connect to her unlike anything he had ever felt before. He felt a connection to the marauders but it was more of a sense of pack with them. He could practically hear his wolf yelling at him 'Mate'

     Remus had to force himself to think of something different, thinking of her made the wolf come to the surface especially this close to the full moon. Where his skin itches as if it was about to rip open into turn and his bone would break and re-align themselves. He glanced outside and noticed the sun started to go down, and without question all of them headed towards the entrance to the shrieking shake. No one aware that it was much later then they thought. The sun was almost completely down as they got to the entrance.

    Remus began to shift even before he could get into the tunnels which was strange even for him. To shift this early on a full moon. But he got this sinking feeling that something was wrong, terribly wrong.

   Madison had just left the room of requirements and was on her way back to Gryffindor tower when a pair of Slytherin boys had creeped behind her and grabbed her by the arms, instantly her brain began screaming at her to fight or flee.

   She struggled before one of them castes a charm to immobilize her. She was terrified what could they possibly want from her. Then she noticed the far to familiar dark mark on the inside of their arms.

     These Slytherin were looking to rough up a already beaten down mudblood. Her eyes began to leak tears as these boys began to tear at her skirt and shirt. She simply closed her eyes and let it happen, to tired to try and fight back.

   But before anything else could happen she heard a growl, one she had only ever heard from Fenrir Greyback. Which made goosebumps rise on her skin. But it was enough to make the boys panic and drop her limp body on to the ice cold ground. Her body still frozen and unable to move.

    Madison looked up and saw the eyes of gold that she saw when ever Remus was trying to get her to open up. He had saved her, his wolf had saved her. Moony circled around her limp body. Using his fangs ever so gently never breaking the skin, to pull her close to his massive body. Trying to keep her warm in the cold weather of the winter nights at Hogwarts.

    Things like this would usually terrify Madison. Being snuggled and coddled by a werewolf was usually a very terrifying experience but when that werewolf saves you from a more horrible event from happening is when you embrace the love it's offering you.

  Of course it didn't take long for Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail to  catch up. They looked panicked when they saw Madison. Moony had practically curled himself around her to try and keep her warm.

     He looked at Padfoot and Prongs and silently motioned for them to come closer. Moony knew he needed to keep his mate warm and his pack could help. So he motioned for them to lay closer to him. To get as much body heat as possible close to his mate who was shivering. While they waited for the charm to wear off of her. Tears finally began to roll down her cheeks. For a girl who was already traumatized, for something almost as traumatizing to happen to her was just as terrifying to her.

      Sirius and James finally toke a moment to look at the fragile half naked girl in the middle of Moonys body. It was the first time they truly looked at her since they found her covered in blood. She had a lot of dark slashes over her side and arms. Marks made from dark curses and cursed blades. A single deep scar lay in the middle of her chest were the blade had been when they found her. They both refused to look at the words they knew were carved into her arm. They noticed how she shivered which made both of them move themselves closer to try and get as much body heat near her cold body as possible.

      It toke a while for all of the larger body to get comfortable and fall asleep, Moony was the first to sleep, holding his mate and his pack right beside him he had never felt more at home and comfortable. Next Sirius and James as they were all snuggled together.

     Madison looked at all of them, a gentle smile on her face as she looked at all of them. It slowly faded to a sad smile. Then she muttered "don't worry....I'll save all of you. I will save you from your horrible fates....I won't let him hurt you guys" she said with so much determination it was almost scary to hear.

     When the moon started to go down, Madison tried moving out of Moony hold to go and retrieve her clothes so that she could make her way back in the castle before the sun came out. But she heard a growl as she began to move. Moony eyes peered at her oh though they were only half open to begin with. She smiled slightly and just nodded and decided it was probably best not to test the werewolf.

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