Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Valentine took us on tour of his land – the entire time Layton and I didn't touch. The Wolves of the Hender pack had to believe that I was Evan's mate, so they couldn't be seeing Layton and I cuddling. It would call up suspicion.

It felt odd, walking next to Layton but not touching him. Layton was a possessive man, and whenever we went anywhere he liked to hold me or hold my hand – he liked to warn others away. Yet, he couldn't then.

"Emma" Valentine called for a woman, as we reached the main part of the Hender pack. A tall girl, with short black hair and bright eyes, bounded over.

"Alpha" she bowed her head, at Valentine. Then, she noticed Layton and her eyes widened in shock. "Alpha Vetteriano" she stuttered out, eyes cast to the floor.

"Emma, this is Gemini" Valentine said, gesturing his hand to me. "She's going to be working with you in the shop and--"

"No" Layton snapped, interrupting his cousin. I frowned as soon as I heard Layton's tone; I knew the idea of me working, or any female working, was not something that Layton agreed with. He strongly believed that it was the man's job to bring the money home.

Valentine glanced at Layton, before turning back to Emma. "Leave us" he ordered her. Emma nodded, sent a scared look in Layton's direction, before scurrying off. "We have a system here, Layton, everyone has to earn their keep".

"She's pregnant. And no mate of mine – nor woman in my pack – will ever work. It's a man's job to work, and my mate will do no work while she is here. Especially because she is pregnant with my pup. She will not work; not now, not ever" Layton snapped, through gritted teeth.

Valentine frowned, gritting his teeth in annoyance. "Layton, I can't have Gemini coming into my pack and not working. It would look suspicious, make it look like she really isn't Evan's mate and--"

"I don't give a fuck" Layton snapped, before reaching forward and grabbing my hand. "She's not going to work, no matter what. Gemini come on, we're going home" he stated. Then, pulling me after him, he stormed his way back to Valentine's house.

"Layton wait" I hissed, as I jogged to keep up with his quick paces. "Layton" I whined, as his finger dug into my palm with a hard grip. He ignored me until we were back in Valentine's house, and in the room.

With a deep growl, Layton grabbed my suitcase and his bag and threw the on the bed. He then began to grab the things we'd taken out of the bags, and aggressively push them back into the bag. "Layton" I said, and again he ignored me. "Layton" I shouted, and he finally paused.

He turned around to face me, frowning deeply. "What?" he demanded, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared down at me. "Don't test me right now Gemini. I've changed my mind, you're coming home with me right now. And if this killer wants to get to you, then they can fucking go through me".

"Layton, just calm down" I sighed, walking over and taking his hands in mine. He continued to frown at me, as I sat him down on the bed before climbing onto his lap. Layton's hands rested on my hips as I straddled his waist, and took his face in mine so he couldn't drop the eye contact.

"I worked back in Gresall Pack, and I can work here. Layton I know you don't like it, but it's a small price to pay to make sure that our pup is safe" I told him. I knew it was unethical to play the baby card, but I knew how Layton felt about looking after woman and he wouldn't allow me to stay easily.

"But--" he began, but I cut him off.

"But nothing. We're doing this because there is a killer on the loose. Once you have dealt with the killer, I can come home and we'll be a proper family. Alright? You'll be there for the birth, and involved in naming the pup. I know you Layton, this is just an excuse for you".

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