Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

My hands shook against the steering wheel. I was minutes away from driving into my old pack – but after having a mental panic, I pulled over on the side of the road. A soft sob escaped my mouth, as I sealed my hand over my mouth. I hadn't thought it through.

My phone was ringing; as it had been for the majority of the drive. I knew it was Layton, and he knew he was angry. I had left him, and drove to Gresall pack, but then; what did I plan to do? Kill my mother, I couldn't. Of course I couldn't.

No matter what she had done, she was still my mother. She grew me, gave birth to me, mothered me. However, she had taken all those experiences away from me with my unborn child. So I wasn't really sure what to do, so I just sat there for a few moments; crying.

I wasn't sure quiet what I was crying about; my miscarriage, my mother's betrayal, Layton's cold behavior, or my complete hopelessness. I wasn't sure, although it could have been all of them, or none of them. I was so lost, and completely broken. But I wanted to kill her – I wanted to kill my mother.

That had been the plan, I had even made sure to place Layton's gun in my bag, as my strength would not allow me to kill her. But I didn't know whether to go through with it or not. My phone rung again, for the fortieth time, and I decided it was time to finally answer it. Layton spoke before I had a chance "Gemini? You have exactly five seconds to--"

"How could she do it?" I cut him off. I was crying hard, my nose running, and my entire body shaking. "How could she do that to me? To my defenseless, unborn, pup? How could she?"

"Who, Gemini? Where are you? Please, tell me before you get yourself killed". Layton was trying to calm me down, but he sounded so cold and detached that it just got me more upset. "Gemini, I am your husband and your Alpha, and I demand you to tell me where you are".

I froze, my tears stopping at his words. I didn't want to answer him, but I didn't have a choice. Layton had used his powerful, Alpha, voice that had my entire body seizing up in fear. I had heard him use it before – but never on me. I was a submissive person, so I couldn't disrespect his order. He told me he'd never pull rank like that on me – yet another promise he had broken. Just like when he said he would never stop caring for me. It was all lies – well, in my angry state that was what I believed. But, I had no choice but to answer.

"I'm at the Gresall Pack. My mother is the one who attacked me that night. I know, because she wore these red heels that my father got her for her birthday – I used to wear them when I played dress up. She told me they were here favourite running shoes, and I used to laugh because it's stupid to run in heels. But she said it was because she could run lightly, and no one could hear her coming".

The words spilled out my mouth; a long, joined, sentence of verbal vomiting. I was speaking without pause, because I didn't want to tell him, but I didn't have a choice. As soon as I finished, I gasped loudly before hanging up.

I was furious that Layton had used his command on me, but more that I had told him. He would kill my mother, and a part of me told me that I should let him get on with it. However, the larger part – the sensible part – told me that I couldn't let her die, because she was still my mother and I was not a monster. I would make her pay, but I wouldn't kill her.

Restarting the car, I took the final part of the drive over the border. A tall male wolf stood in front of the car; demanding to know what I wanted. I told him I wanted to see my mother. He reminded me that I was mated to the Blood Alpha, to which I replied; 'the males choose their mates, the females have no choice in the matter'.

The man let me in, no doubt he could see my red eyes and running makeup and he felt sorry for me. I was the Blood Alpha's mate, and for the first time I knew why everyone always gave me sympathy for it. Layton was cold, demanding, dominating and a murderer. It didn't mean that I didn't love him, but at that time I didn't really want to.

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