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The post was not a horrible punishment to him but he felt horrible for the human who was now on it.

She hated him more than herself for this. She hated being tied to a horse post and having to stand there while he dumped with cold water(with ice) onto her.

This was a cold day so this was twice as bad. She shivered and wished it to be over. He hated to see her like this but had to get the job done if he ever wanted her to respect him.

Ten minuted had gone by when her purple lips began to turn grey and her once tan skin turned white. He panicked and with his claws cut the rope.

He quickly took her inside the cave where a fire glazed, ready to be used. He laid her beside it and put the heaviest blanket around her.

Slowly she stopped shivering and her skin and lips came back to life. He sighed happily and noticed that his wings were around her, in a protecting way. He hasn't felt this worried since the night when....

His thoughts were interrupted when she started to snore. Her heavy breathing snores echoed the whole cave and for once was happy he never has to sleep.

His mind traveled to before he became this beast. He couldn't remember the day he was kidnapped.

He shook his head and left to the couch. He knew he had to rest, so he laid down and closed his eyes. Little did he know that a rest of sleep would bring so much nightmare.


He had just turned sixteen and he felt amazing for the first five minutes of the morning. He just sat in bed enjoying the silence and wished it would be that way forever. His wish did not come that day.

No, his father came in and beat the living out of his son, he hated him because it was his fault she was dead. His father killed her but blamed himself.

"Damn it Josh! If only you weren't such a dissapiontment she would still be here! I wish you died instead of her! I wish you had died!" His father continued to pound onto his son's face.

After his father was done he left to his room. Josh laid there and let the blood surround him. His own father forgot his birthday. His own father didn't care. Josh made up his mind and got into the shower.

He washed out the blood and fixed himself up. He packed his backpack and prepared for his run away.

He skipped school and left to the train station. But he didn't get far.

Some drunk guys came and drugged Josh. They took him away and locked him up. Josh screamed from the pain and forgot his own name. He didn't know that they were changing him.

He didn't know that that one night would change his whole life.

End of dream.

He woke up with the sun in his eyes. He remembers. He remembers his name, his old life. Josh was his name.

Josh tried to get up and looked around, but he noticed he was chained down to the couch. He questioned why.

Lauren entered the room and set down a plate full of food. "You were screaming, and crying, and trashing about. So, I chained you down."
Her voice was soft and she felt bad. She didn't like seeing him like that.

She woke up to screaming and cries. She knew how to handle this on a human being but for a monster, it was different. She chained him up and heard him say words full of pain. Her heart clenched at the sight of him in agony.

She had a nightmare too, so she stayed by his side through the whole night.

"Thank you" he whispered, his voice was rough and dry.

She unlocked the chain lock and unwrapped it around him. As soon as he was free he lunged at her. She was in shock at what happened.

He was hugging her. He kept saying thank you over and over again. She hugged him back.

Was he a devil? Or was he the Devils mistake? She kept thinking maybe he was different or misunderstood.

She had a kind heart but locked it away ever since she was ten. The walls were breaking down, he was warming up her heart.

Tears ran down his face when she asked, "What was the dream?"

He spoke to her of his past. At least until the scientists. He did not want to talk about that year.

But she asked, "What happened after you ran away?"

He looked at her then turned away, he did not want to see the hatred and dissapiontment in her eyes. "They drugged me. Took me away. Experimented on me. They changed me to many things. First I had catlike vision, then I grew wings. After a while they changed me completely. They turned me to stone"

Her stomach turned as she remembers his cries. So that's why he felt pain.

"I escaped and hid away. Thats when they put it on the news. Apparently they were doing this to many others. I hid but was cought and forced to do their way of living. One night I flew into a girls room. And took her away. I didn't want her fate to be my past. I stole her to a hideout of mine and wanted her to understand our ways."

She cried and hugged him, "Thank you for telling me. But can I ask you something?"

He nodded, "Why do you need to steal people?"

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