Back from the dead

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The pic is Josh when human. (Hottie alert!)

How is it possible? Josh knew he had turned human but he also knew he had changed back into a worse stone devil. Maybe he wasn't all stone devil, maybe his heart was human, but how was that possible?

A needle stabbed into his forearm, telling Josh that more experimenting is to come. Josh groaned for he was too weak for this and wanted a break from all the experimenting. It was Lauren's fault, but Josh was prepared to suffer for what she had done.

A sudden brightness came into his view and Josh flinched away, "Oops sorry about that" the main Doctor sarcastically commented. Josh glared at him wishing to choke the bastard.

"This may sting a little," a huge amount of pain shot up from his left shoulder blade and there was a large crack indicating that something was torn off, "or a lot" the doctor had a smug look on his face.

Angered, Josh spat at the doctor, earning a sudden slap in the face, making Josh's head turn the the right. "Bring her in" the doctor was mad and wanted an advantage, Josh was shot with sudden fear, no not her!

Lauren was brought into the same room, chained onto a table opposite of Josh. "Hey, so how fun is it here?" Lauren asked with a joking yet sarcastic voice. "Oh it's quite a ride" the doctor answered sarcastically, smiling away.

"Let's see what happens, when I do this" the doctor smooched the two together and there lips collided, forsed, and Josh's heart burst with excitement that made his wings shed into white eagle sizes wings. "Hmmmm....interesting. Thanks!" He cheerfully thanked Lauren for helping his experiment react to something.

"Interesting, the feature that I tore off your stone wing minutes ago has no turned into a real feature, like it was still connected to your body. I wonder..." The doctor trailed off and left, leaving near silence between Lauren and Josh.

"I'm sorry..." Lauren started, "if only I didn't react the way I did, then we wouldn't be here." Josh wanted to say sorry too, but for what? He didn't do anything. Instead, Josh just turned his head, hoping the silence would fall. "I know I don't deserve to get a direct answer but all I want is-" Lauren was cut off, "Just stop talking. Please..." Josh interrupted her. "I-I-I just can't right now, ok? I-I'm just too weak, I just-Just can't" Josh's voice cracked at the end. By now he only had 35 hours left, and he knew he wouldn't last, he knew he was too weak, he just knew.

Lauren didn't know what to say, all the men in her life had never showed weakness. Her parents told her to never show emotion, but Lauren knew better, she knew the reason as to why they don't show emotion. The same reason why she won't accept the thought of loving Josh, she was scared, she didn't want to break.

But seeing Josh's broken form made her want to brake, want to be scared, at least for him. She opened her mouth to tell him something nobody knew about her but had to close it when the doctor came back. "So, seeing as your 'interacting' let's bring it up a notch!" He put up the bunny ears at interacting.

The doctor gave the hand signal and Josh's body pulled at what was left of his arms and legs, "No!," Lauren screamed, making Josh whimper in pain, for he knew he was gonna snap, "CRACK!" The sickening sound echoed along the room, making both Lauren and Josh cry out but yet the doctors were unefected.

"Stop! Stop! Josh!" Lauren screamed trying to get the doctors to stop and at the same time trying to get Josh to stay awake. Josh's whole body ached yet was numb at the same time. His body felt heavy, and he could feel the life drain from him, he was too weak and he was loosing too much blood.

The doctors stopped and examined the two experiments closely, they released them and watched Lauren dash towards Josh's fallen form. Lauren's eyes held pure fear, as she watched the color drain from his already pale stone body. Josh didn't know which part of his body was ripped off, he didn't even know why Lauren was worried and scared.

"Stay with me, look at me, Josh! Look at me! Your gonna be ok?! Ok!?" Lauren pleaded and tried to convince Josh to stay here, stay awake but his body kept getting heavier, paler, and less lifeless and they both knew he didn't have enough time left.

"Lauren..." Josh's hoarse voice spoke unsure of whether or not to speak, "I need to tell you s-something. " His body was getting cold. Lauren's breathing was harsh as she let out a few tears, "yes?" Her voice was soft, almost as if she was talking to a new born.

"Lauren Green, I-I-I love y-....." Josh never got to finish his sentence, his body fell limp, his eyes gazed in the distance, and his words drifted with the wind.

Lauren was shocked and spoke trying to get him to finish his sentence, "What? Josh? Josh!" After a second of silence her voice cracked and a sudden burst of tears overflowed her eyes, "Josh.." Her voice was soft, held regret, and sorrow.

The doctors in the room were shocked. They had experienced many deaths of humans but this was different, this was new.

Lauren bent down and let her tears drop into Josh's face, their foreheads touching, Lauren spoke in the quietest voice, "I love you too..." She leaned down, both their lips almost touching, and softly, smoothly, made contact. For that second, her mind filled with the images of Josh's smile, his laugh, his voice, his protectiveness, his eyes, everything about him. She pulled back and held his hand in hers. She couldn't look at him, for the tears had stopped and she didn't want them to start again.

Everyone in the room stayed silent and didn't move for about thirty seconds, until there was light, until Josh's body healed. The light egnighted in Josh's heart, then spread to the rest of his body, swirls formed around Lauren and Josh's forms, almost in a protective way. Josh's body glowed and formed new limbs but they grew human, his body grew skin, his eyes grew color, his everything had turned human.

Lauren couldn't speak, her heart raced, her tongue was thick, and she couldn't keep her eyes off Josh. Josh's wings grew another inch, his fangs and claws disappeared, and his eyes kept its sharpness.
Josh suddenly gasped as air rushed into his lungs, his eyes snapped open, a brilliant blue swirled in this new orbs, and he looked at Lauren fully awake "I love you!" He spoke quickly like he was gonna die all over again.

Lauren laughed happy tears streamed down her cheeks, "I love you too!" They both leaned forward and let their lips dance then Josh's wings wrapped around their form, and their minds swirled with happiness.

The doctors hadn't moved, they were all debating if they should experiment more or try what the couple had, maybe they can change too, that was after all their goal.

After the couple pulled apart, all they could look at were the others eyes. The top doctor coughed, getting everyone's attention, and making Josh jump up and stand infront of Lauren protectively, "Can you ah...tell us what to do to turn *cough awkwardly* turn back to humans?"

Josh glared at the top doctor but side glanced at Lauren to check as to what they were going to do. Lauren nodded and Josh sighed, "Get a human to fall in love with you." That was all that had to be said. The doctors dashed to the dungeons, desperately trying to convince any human their story, trying to fall in love.

Josh turned and stared lovingly into Lauren's eyes, "So? And I good enough for you now?" Lauren looked Josh up and down, his long legs, toned stomach, muscled arms, wide shoulders, sharp (yet not too sharp) jaw line, his plump pink full lips, his button nose, his gorgeous perfect blue eyes, and lastly his perfect spiked brown hair. His whole being made him look like a god, not to mention his wings which made him look like an angel.

She gave a thinking face even tho she didn't need to think about it, "Yes!"

Josh felt courage bubble within him and so he leaned close, pushing Lauren against the wall, "Good, I wouldn't have taken no for an answer" his hot breath skimmed across her left ear, in response she couldn't control her shiver.

He chuckled and put both his arms on her sides, trapping her, he leaned down and barely let their lips touch, "You know you have to keep your promise," he looked her dead in the eye, "We are officially girlfriend and boyfriend."

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