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Note; I'm not sure why I had written this in a first-person point of view? Sorry if this confuses anybody, I just saw this now. This is obviously Alaska's point of view.


I sat on my pull-out couch that Rufus had put in Jenny's room just a week ago

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I sat on my pull-out couch that Rufus had put in Jenny's room just a week ago. After breaking the news to her she had completely kept her distance from me, but I really couldn't blame her. I read through a file that Rufus had picked up yesterday at court. Since this was such a bizarre case the judge immediately granted Rufus full custody after our DNA results came in. They were obviously positive, but the case was still up considering Lily had said she wanted custody of me too, now. I didn't understand it really. Why would she want me now after sending me away to the other side of the world? I don't want anything to do with her, as much as I did want to hate her I couldn't, because part of me wanted a mother figure. I don't really know about Eric or Serena though, I hadn't thought much about them after the whole ordeal. Dan and I get along great, but Jenny, again, was still getting used to the idea that I was her older half sister.

"Alaska! Come on, you're coming with me today." I put all the files back into its manilla envelope and ran into the direction Dan'a voice came from. He stood at the doorway with Rufus, they looked up at me as I walked towards the two. "Where are we going? Don't you have an interview at Yale?" I grabbed my phone and stuffed it into my back pocket as Dan nodded.

"Yeah, I thought you might want to come see the school. Jenny didn't want to," Dan shrugged. "Okay, bye Rufus." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before following Dan out of my new home. We slipped into a cab that Dan had called and I noticed how nice Dan had dressed for this interview. "You look great, Dan," I complemented. He sighed and looked out the window. "That's not what I'm worried about."

I knew exactly what he was talking about as he had filled me in this past week about the whole social order here. It was strange to me because Dan didn't have money, or sources, he might not get into the school of his dreams. "Hey," I placed my hand on Dan's shoulder to get his attention. "You'll do great! They will love you! I've only known you for a couple of weeks and I already know that you will do big things! They have to accept you! They'd be stupid if they didn't." I smiled reassuringly at Dan who cracked a small smile of his own. "Thanks, Alaska."


Dan and I had arrived a couple of minutes late to Constance, it was the weekend and all the seniors were being sent out to their selected colleges. "Good luck," a man said before walking away from all the seniors who circled around him. I trudged behind Dan as we were walking past Chuck and Nate. Chuck mumbled a snide comment about Dan to Nate, and I stayed quiet as Dan retorted. I hadn't seen Chuck or Serena in a week. I had been at Rufus' all week and skipped school. Rufus was fine with it, but I had to go back Monday. Chuck glanced over Dan's shoulder and his jaw visibly tightened as he laid eyes on me. "What are you doing here? This is for seniors only." I could see Serena turn around from where she stood across the courtyard and Nate stepped beside me suddenly. His expression was blank as his blue eyes stared into my brown ones. "I invited her," Dan spoke up and practically shielded me from Chuck as he stood in front of me. I looked towards Serena who only stared at me before turning around, turning her back to me. "I-"

Nate started but Chuck quickly called for him. "Come on, Nate." Nate licked his lips and nodded at me and Dan before walking with Chuck towards Serena and Blair. I sighed as they all glanced at me at the same time and I just now realized everyone in the courtyard was staring directly at me. "You'll get used to it," Dan whispered and grabbed my arm so I'd follow him. Everyone knew my personal problems because Gossip Girl had announced it for everyone to see within 24 hours after I found out about who my biological family is. It's insane, and I still don't know how Gossip Girl even knew.


I walked around Yale until I made it to the central part of the school. I watched as people with huge backpacks nearly ran along the sidewalk to get to their class. I know I will never be able to make it to a school like this, not in a million years. I spun on my heels to walk back to the building Dan was currently being interviewed in when I ran straight into a broad chest. I stumbled back, but caught myself by gripping onto the guy's even broader shoulders. "Oh, excuse me." His british accent filled my ears and I looked up to see green eyes peering down at me. His blonde hair stuck up neatly on the top of his head and I noted the casual clothes he wore. Khakis and a plain white button up. When I realized I was still holding onto him I quickly let go and could feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "Sorry," I mumbled and he smiled down at me, showing his perfect white teeth. "It's okay, love. What's your name?"

I nearly melted at his accent and regained my composure quickly. "Alaska," I smiled at him as well. "I'm Logan, are you new here?" He stuck his hand out and I quickly slipped mine in his in a warm shake. "No," I laughed. "I'm visiting with-"

"With Constance?" He let go of my hand and I nodded. "Oh, so maybe I'll see you here next year?" He stepped closer to me and I could just feel my face compeltely heat up. "No, actually. I'm here with my- my brother." It felt weird saying that, but actually saying it out loud made it seem official, in a way. "Oh, bummer. I would love seeing a beautiful face like yours every single day around school." His smile widened and I could have sworn my heart jumped... just a little. "Thanks," I giggled. I actually giggled. "That was cute," he laughed a little and I just wanted to disappear right then and there. How embarrassing. Suddenly someone cleared their throat and I spun around to see Nate glaring down at me. "Nate?"

Before he could respond, Logan spoke up. "Well, I'd love to chat with you a little longer, but I have a final I have to study for." He handed me a ripped piece of paper and I looked down to see him name and number scribbled on it neatly. "Call me, anytime." Logan flashed me another smile and planted a kiss on my cheek. I giggled slightly as he walked past Nate and I. I was admiring his toned back that you could see through his white shirt before remembering about Nate. I turned back to him and he was now glaring at the piece of paper I held in my hand. "You're not actually going to call him, are you?"

I thought about it for a second before smiling adoringly at the thought of seeing Logan again. "Maybe," I shrugged. Nate scoffed and shook his head. "What?" I stuffed the paper into my pocket. "Nothing it's just, nothing." He shook his head. I would have questioned him further if he didn't start speaking again. "So listen, I'm sorry I haven't really spoken to you since our ride. I've just had a lot on my mind lately and I- well, I wanted to make it up to you. Do you want to go grab some lunch? I'm not doing anything right now, Chuck's um- well Chucks, nevermind." He scratched the back of his neck and I looked around to see Chuck lying on the grass across the sidewalk. I looked back at Nate to see him looking at me hopefully and I nodded my head. "Sure, just let me go tell Dan. Do you mind waiting here a couple minutes?"

"No, but I'd rather walk you. If that's alright with you." I nodded again and spun on my heel with Nate at my side. "I saw a small restaurant on the way here. I think it's Italian. Would that be okay?"

"I grew up eating Italian food Nate, how about some Chinese? I've heard the Chinese food in New York is killer." Nate laughed as we entered a bricked building, Dan stood at the end of the hallway, reading some papers in his hands. "Chinese it is," Nate smiled down at me. I laughed, "Give me a second." I walked towards Dan who looked up at me. "Hey Al, I have to go around asking for a letter of recommendation, if you want I can give you money to take a cab back home, it might take a while."

"No, that's alright. I'm actually going to go eat lunch with Nate. I came to tell you." Dan quizzically peered over at where Nate stood, waiting for me. "Will Chuck be there?" He grimaced. I sighed and shook my head no. "I guess it's fine then. Just be home by dinner, or dad will freak."

"Okay. See you later, Dan."

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