i want you

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Maria's pov:

I woke up to an empty space beside me. My head was spinning, and the pillow was smeared with black. Where is Marilyn? My face hurt to the touch. I think that's where Andrew hit me. The thoughts of yesterday came back to my mind and I couldn't breath. I started crying uncontrollably.. sobbing is something I always end up doing. Marilyn must hate me... Especially after yesterday. I heard the door open and I hid my face. He doesn't need to see me like this. "Breakfast is ready if you're hungry." He spoke. His voice so sweet yet untrusting. I just lay there. I knew if I spoke the tears would spill. "I know you're awake. Just come eat when you're ready" he said and walked out shutting the door. I was fully clothed so I know nothing else happened so he wouldn't be awkward about that. My stomach growled in protest of me lying down. Maybe I will shower before I go and eat. I swung my legs over the bed and walked to the bathroom. My body ached. When I got there I looked in the mirror and instantly wished I didn't. I looked horrible, beaten down, disfigured... Who am I anymore? I tore my eyes from the mirror so I wouldn't have to see the monster before me anymore. I walked to the shower and turned it on occasionally fixing the temperature till it was perfect. I stepped in feeling the hot water in my chest and face. It felt so good. I could see the black running down into the water as it poured. I turned putting my hair into the water. I felt instantly better. I continued to clean myself till I washed every bit of Andrew off of me. I felt so much cleaner. I looked in the mirror only to still not see Maria. There was one point in my life when I saw this monster everyday. That was my entire childhood. I towled myself dry and saw my dirty clothes and refused to put them on. Not because they we're dirty but because they had Andrew on them which made them completely filthy. I wrapped the towel around me and I went to eat breakfast. Its not like he hasn't seen me naked before. At least I have a towel. I walked into the kitchen and sat at a chair as Marilyn was just finishing making coffee. He turned and saw me in my towel. "Maria where are your clothes?" His voice was to nice for me. "They we're filthy and covered with that bastard. I don't want to ware them." I said sadly. He walked into the room I was just I n and came back with boxers and a shirt. "You can ware these if you like." He said handing me the clothes which I took after a minute hesitation. I stood up and dropped the towel not having any shame, And pulled the clothes on. Marilyn's cheeks went pink as I did. He made me a plate of the same breakfast I had last time. The one I couldn't even finish. He sat down with me with only coffee with him. "Pardon me but I already ate." I nodded understanding. I ate slowly although the hunger was wanting me to eat faster. I finally heard Marilyn speak after what seemed like forever. "Has he always done this to you?..." I paused. "No it was just yesterday." He gave me a look of disbelief. "He really hasn't Marilyn.... I think he finally just snapped and knew how to get to me worse than he ever has." I said hoping he would believe me. "Of course this would get to you. He was trying to rape you..." He choked out. I swallowed a lump in my throat. "He knew it would get to me worse because of my childhood.. " I forced myself to say. "What happened in your childhood? If I'm not being too bold.." I looked down at my plate. "M-my dad abused me, and raped me... A lot.. it's hard to think of your dad as your first, but I'm forced. He- well Andrew called me a whore just like my dad would do.... Thats what the song whore was about.. " he looked shocked. "Maria I am so fucking sorry.... I didn't know... I-" "it's okay.." I interrupted. He looked so sad and broken.... "I hate to ask right now, but about Andrew." "Save it Marilyn I'm done with him. He means nothing to me..." I said with complete truth. He looked relieved. "But there is one thing I want I don't think I can have anymore..." He answered confused. "What is that? Anything." I looked up "I want you"

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