Ch 2 - Surveillance

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^^^SHE'S SO PRETTY!!! ❤️

"Right! My men know nothing about this, and that's how I'd like it to stay, so the three of you are going to help me with tracking her. One, you're on geo locations, Five, you're on activities, and Six, you're on frequencies. We're bound to pick up some irregularities along the way," Franco instructed as we walked into an operations room in his house.

The man takes this seriously.

"And what are you doing?" Aziel asked him.

"I'll be looking through visual surveillance," he replied.

"This could take too long. How are we meant to find her from so much data?" I asked.

"We're starting with the area you were in first. Whoever has her couldn't have gone far in the space of five hours. Once we pick up anything from there, then we can broaden the search on a narrowed database," he explained.

"Sounds sensible enough! What happens if we don't find her in the area though?" Nigel asked.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Franco said, firing up the laptops and screens we'd be using.

I was about to start my search when my phone rang. "What did you find?"

"The body isn't hers, but it does belong to a slightly taller female. I couldn't get a name from the data I stole, but I did manage to get a general picture of what Cypher thinks she looked like," he replied as I put him on speaker.

"And?" Nigel probed.

"She shares similarities to Noelle in everything except that height difference. Whoever put her there wanted to send you some sort of message, but I can't figure out what," Karr responded.

"Either that, or it was just a scare tactic. We need to know who that girl was," Franco commented.

"Is that Franco?" Karr asked.

"Yep!" Aziel replied.

"Well, if you've gone to Franco, then it's safe to say that you know about the cabin not belonging to Cypher anymore. I hacked into the Request Centre at Cypher, and the signature on the request acceptance you received doesn't belong to Margaux. It was forged, which leads me to believe that whoever wants you dead is either on the inside or has people on the inside because every approval has to go through a verification test to ensure that nothing was forged, and clearly your approval didn't go through that," Karr explained.

"I understand the trying to kill me part. I have committed enough sins to have enough people wanting my head on the chopping block. What I don't understand is why they would take Noelle," I said.

"I'm pretty sure everyone knows who she is to you by now. They aren't kidding when they say love makes you stupid. You haven't bothered to hide your relationship with her," Franco pointed out.

"I didn't hide our relationship because she doesn't deserve that. I already lead a double life, and she shouldn't have to go through that," I argued.

"You naive boy! Secrecy in this business isn't about feelings. It's about safety. As romantic as you thought you were probably being, you put her life in danger by exposing your relationship the way you did. Hell, you failed to fool me into believing that she's your prisoner. She loves you, and anyone can tell that from her face," he countered.

"This isn't helping. So, we screwed up with Elle. We should be looking at how we're getting her back," Nigel pointed out.

"How far are you all with surveillance?" Franco asked.

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