Ch 12 - Ren

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So, it would seem that trying to make my dream come true is a crime with a whole lot of you. My intent was incentive based, and yet I've been called evil and have been told that I'm manipulative and that I don't like/love my fans very much because I've asked them to do this one thing for me.

And so I take this opportunity to thank those of you who did bother with voting as well as spreading the word on the book. Thank you for contributing to my dream of getting published. It means more to me than you know, especially in this somewhat confusing time in my life.

To those of you who felt used, manipulated, blackmailed or abused, I apologize. It was not my intention.

On that note, I will update whenever I can. If you still want to continue to vote, the link is:

Thank you once again for all your support through this journey. I love you guys, even those of you that I apparently lost through trying to get votes for my book.

Katee (^^,)


"How is this even possible? You're supposed to be dead," Ayah told my girlfriend just as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum walked into the room.

"Ren?" they said simultaneously, looking at blossom.

"Tyler? Tyson?" she said in shock.

What the fuck is going on?

"When Ayah told us that she'd just seen you, we couldn't believe it. How are you here? You're supposed to be dead," Tyson told her.

"That's the same thing Ayah just said to me. Why have you guys been under the impression that I'm dead to begin with?" blossom asked.

Not that they're the first people to think she was dead.

"We saw the whole thing happen. We saw how he set the building on fire with you in it," Tyler replied.

"The fire! You guys were there?" blossom asked.

"Yeah! We'd come to see if you wanted to go to the carnival with us since Ayah had come to visit," Tyler informed.

"I don't, I don't remember anything," blossom said lowly, tears rushing to her eyes.

I put my arm around her. "Before I kill someone for the tears in my girlfriend's eyes, can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?"

"There's something I never told you about my past and my discovery when I arrived here," Ayah told me.

"What are you talking about?" Aziel asked her.

"I've met Noelle before. She lived in the same street as Tyler and Tyson, and the three of them were best friends. You can imagine how shocked I was when I arrived here and found that my cousins had been a part of Cypher this entire time," Ayah started off.

I scowled. "Let me get this straight. You're saying that the twins here are your cousins?"

"That's exactly what she's saying. We've been a part of Cypher since we knew how to walk. Ayah has always been a little sister to us, and we loved her just as much as we loved Ren. After the fire, we were told that Ren died, so we moved and officially stayed with Cypher. Ayah's parents were also in Cypher, except they went dark for a whole two years. By the time we found out that they'd been killed, it was too late. Ayah was already missing, but our mom wasn't about to give up on her, which is then when Six, Five and her were found. We were looking for her, and Silver was looking for Six," Tyson explained.

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