Chapter 5, Truth

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“Toby, you don’t seem to have much of an appetite.” Anthony says sleepily from across the small table. He shovels another mouthful of mashed turnips into his mouth. I look down at my plateful of food. It’s not that the food isn’t good- which if I’m being honest it isn’t anything like Mrs. Lovett’s cooking- but it’s more that the electric current of  excitement in my blood is making it impossible to concentrate. I twirl my spoon halfheartedly through the mush. It’s hard to keep my foot from tapping.

                For the past two days Johanna has made me lay down non-stop without hardly any exceptions for getting up. She was too worried that I would hurt my injured foot more, or bump my broken arm, or maybe pass out from head trauma. Yeah, Johanna can be a pain in that way- she worries too much.

                Today, though, Anthony finally convinced her that I should be allowed to get up and do some chores around the house. She was wary about the ordeal, but finally agreed. She must have sensed that I would lose it if I was stuck to my couch for too much longer. So she agreed to let me have a few hours of freedom- or not freedom exactly, but I got to walk around the house, so it was good enough for me.

                As I was sweeping the kitchen, I happened to peek out of the window, and saw Violet walking pleasantly down the street with a basket nestled in the crook of her elbow- walking to the market, I presumed. I just about sprinted out the door to her. But alas, Johanna and my ankle would not respond greatly to that, so I slyly slipped out of the front door at a strenuous pace.

                Once I had made it to the street, I hobbled with all my might and caught her arm just as she was about to turn onto the next street. Oh, her eyes had lit up at the sight of me. It made my heart thump stronger against my ribs. Her raven hair was half tied back, and she was wearing a modest grey dress. Her smile spread to me only after one second of being in her presence.

                We had talked for only a moment- for I knew that Johanna would see that I was away fairly quickly- but we had agreed to meet up in secret tonight after our guardians had fallen asleep.

                So now, I am sitting at our little table, pretending to eat my food, while Johanna and Anthony talk quietly. Johanna and Anthony eat their turnips no problem, although I am having a much harder time swallowing them down- because of my nerves, no doubt.

                After Johanna and Anthony had finished eating, and I had eaten about a fourth of mine, they went into their room- to talk while Anthony rests.

                Now that they aren’t in here it’s all I can do to not run out of the door to Violet right now. I’ve decided that I am going to tell her my story. From the very beginning- being an orphan, the work house, Signor Pirelli, and all about Mrs. Lovett and Mr. Todd. I know it could turn out badly, telling her these things, but I don’t think it will. Violet understands, and she will help me.

                After a grueling hour and a half, I step as quietly as I can to my parents door, then peek in. Anthony is fast asleep, sprawled out and taking most of the bed space, and Johanna is curled up, asleep, ducked under his arm.

                I close their door quietly and then grab my long coat from its hook by the front door. As I am carefully maneuvering my coat over my broken arm, I glance at the wall clock just a second- it’s just nine. I steal out the door and close it tightly behind me.

                The cold night air swirls around me, brushing my shaggy brown hair across my forehead.  I walk briskly over to the end of the street and wait as patiently as I can for Violet. After just a few minutes I see her step out from the shadows.

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