Chapter 7, Believe

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“Just wait out here one second, okay? I’ve got to at least warn them.” I say to Violet quickly. “Go sit on that bench. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

                She nods and goes to the bench I pointed out. She curls in on herself, hugging my coat tighter around her. I take a deep breath and open the front door.

                I am surprised to see Johanna cuddled up to Anthony’s side. He has his arms wrapped gently around her as he leans against the counter. I see his eyes are puffy and red from crying, and I see Johanna is sobbing, by the way she trembles and shakes.

                “Mum, Dad!” I say, stepping into the room, closing the door behind me. Johanna’s head shoots up and pure joy saturates her tear-stained face. Anthony visibly relaxes as he sees that I’m okay. I must have put them through hell.

                “Toby!” Johanna wails as she rushes across the room and throws her arms around me. “Don’t you dare ever leave again! The last time this happened, you came home with broken bones and no explanation. This can’t keep happening.” She cries as she cradles me.

                I see Anthony sitting down at the table- clearly exhausted. Typically he doesn’t get two days off in one week, but he must have stayed home at Johanna’s request, even though it will reduce his pay at the end of the week. She must have been devastated to wake up and find me gone.

                “Mum, I do have an explanation. For both times.” I say after I take a deep breath.

                She pulls back and stares at my face. Her eyes widen as she takes in the dirt that surely covers me from sleeping on the ground.

                “Toby, where did all this blood come from?” Johanna says with terror. I shake my head at my stupidity. I should have washed my clothes, or stolen new ones. Johanna absolutely cannot know that I murdered someone. Or actually murdered two people, now.

                “I’m not hurt, Mum, don’t worry.” I say dismissively, but it sounds much more defensive than I wanted it to.

                “Tobias, explain everything, now. For both times.” Anthony’s steely voice responds. I take a deep breath and lower my head.

                “Give me a moment,” I say shortly, and turn back to the door. Just as my fingers graze the handle, Johanna’s hand clamps down on my shoulder. I wince as the jolt resonates through my broken arm.

                “No, Toby!” she says in a hard, demanding voice- it is so peculiar sounding, so contrasting to her voice, which is light, airy and almost childlike. “You are not going anywhere.”

                I just hold up a hand to stop her, and then shrug her hand off my shoulder. I grip the knob and open the door a foot.

                I wave Violet forward with a hand motion. She stands up and walks hesitantly forward, like she is afraid that there might be a rabid animal on the other side of this door. I encourage her forward with a half-smile and another wave of my hand.

                I open the door to its full extent as she reaches me.

                I hear a gasp from behind me. I keep my eyes locked with Violet’s, and she comes forward a bit and grips my good hand. I wait for a few moments before I turn back to my waiting parents.

                Johanna’s face is frozen with shock, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide. Anthony’s face is frozen in a mask of fury.

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